Title: Like Dreamers Do
Author: Emmy (
Paring: Rydon
Rating: PG13-NC17
POV: 3rd person limited, Ryan
Summery: 1967. The United States Of America is at war with Vietnam and young men across the country are drafted into service for the army. In a small apartment in Sin City, four boys just try to make their way in the world. All they want is the
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I forgot to comment before because I read chapters 1-6 at once.
So here I am -_-'
Anyway, thie fic is amazing beyond amazing.
And pissy old people make it better =)
Though so does the Rydon, the hippieness, the intro of JWalk, and of course the sex, but you know.
And anything I missed listing in between.
Best part, we have the same name! Emmy is short for Emily right? Jus' checkin'...
I'm really glad you like it! =D
yup! but i go by Emmy or Em. i don't like being called Emily
and the girl who made your icons is also an em!ly. she's my bestie. =D
Just like you are ^_^
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