Dec 06, 2004 09:53
Oh this weekend was glorious.
Friday I stayed at home, by myself...and watched myself. Yes so sad I know. ha kidding guys. It was actually fun. I watched the movies that I forgot to return to blockbuster, finding nemo, and fell asleep while watching this other movie.
Saturday I cleaned like a maniac. Got our Christmas tree. Haley came over and Manda picked us up then we went to get Aubrie..drove by to say hello to Whitney, and went to Spain Park tp play soccer for a while. We taught Haley how to play and are forcing her to tryout...haha. Played until it got dark. Went to get gas, played in the playhouse at the gas station almost got hit by a car. Went to McDonald's and played in the play place. Then we went to Aubrie's for a while, then back to Haleys finished her spanish project, then back to my house. Wooo Saturday was busy.
Sunday put up Christmas decorations, went to the mall and got some shopping done. yahh for shopping.
What a wonderful weekend.