
Dec 07, 2011 15:33

I swear, it's always the little things that set me off the worst.

In other words: to the lady from my parents church who said she was going to stop by last night "around six thirty" to drop stuff off: when you say such things, it's usually the polite thing to ACTUALLY DO IT. And if in fact you aren't going to bother showing up, it's the polite thing to call and say so. And not, say, have someone wait an hour and a half after the fact just in case you're really late, despite the fact you live all of five minutes away.

Also, it is especially nice if you do this knowing that I mentioned I was coming down with a cold, and therefore not in the best of spirits or health. All I wanted to do was take a hot shower and go to bed very early, neither of which I was able to do.

I know it's nothing huge, but man, things like this just get to me. People can be so inconsiderate.
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