(no subject)

Oct 10, 2006 15:01

I LOVE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So not that much has been going on....I wish tho that I could get a hold of the lady from Whisperwood Villa that would make Emma a very happy lady. School is going well...we had a guest speaker in today so we only had half of a day it was great. I made a doctors appointment....so hopefully he can tell me some answers as to what is worn with my brain...and if I'm having seizure activity or not...hopefully not.

Weekend was good got to see my aunt and uncle, and went to Andrew's yesterday and we hung out like all day...it was good we haven't done that in a while so it was a very good day. Well that is about all for now cause I need to watch Oprah cause she completes me...

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