uhhh.....will.....things happen....

Jul 20, 2006 02:58

i know that i have problems, and lately it's not speaking up for myself. and when i try no one wants to take me seriously. so why try, when no one wants to listen. but i don't get it that when u move out, ur family still tries to run ur live for u. i know that family will always be there, but it's hard to see that when they try to make me do things that they think will make me happy. and they my actions are stupid, selfish, and not responsible. and they want to know where i'm at 24/7 and what i'm doing. then they question me, and they makes me feel so great :( so what i'm i suppose to do? sit back and be a sponge to what ever they say. also they think that my boyfriend is controlling me. no, that isn't right. and he is letting me speak up for myself, instead of being walk all over.

by the way i quit my job, because i was treat like shit and they walked all over me. and it went to far. my boss was already picking favorites, which that isn't right. when i was the one kicking ass everynight and my parnter was hardly doing anything. and yet, that guy got special treatment. no fair, and they had no respect for me, they also wouldn't let switch to different area. but they choose my partner to move, i was there longer than he. totally not right. but anyway that is over and done with.

now i found a job that i think is going to work out for me. and it has flexible hours, and i'm my own boss. i know some online bussinesses are fake, but i did research on this one and i was prefered to this job from ozarkshelpwanted.com. and i get all my information and things friday and i get trained over the phone come this following tuesday. so i'm crossing my fingers about it. so i can't wait.

anyways other than that i'm doing fine, but i feel bad for speaking my mind to my family, cause they always twist it and bring back the past. so i just i need to be stronger. got any advice? let me know. drop a line.

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