Name Acronym GeneratorFrom -Just got home from Charlotte, NC. where Footlocker 2004 was held. Rode up there with Lua, Saw Mags, Katie, Paul, Tyrone, Vance, Brooke didn't go :( but anyways, it was fun fun fun! The course was so freaking fast! I ran an 18:25 or 26...hah I felt like I hadn't broke 19 too! It was great. And I finished 5th for Florida girls, and that was exciting, but I wasn't at the awards stand so Maggie got my medal and got in the picture with Jenny Barringer, Kelly Parish, Jacy Kruzel and Bona Jones...Grrr...but it's sorta funny when u think about it lol. The meet itself wasn't actually that big at all, I was expecting a lot more...haha but watching the under ten boys and girls race made my day it was so funny and they were all so adorable! It was so cold at the race though. Coach K came with Dean and she brought the puppy Chloe! She was like shivering the whole time! She was so cute though! Well-I g2g...Talk 2 YALL later!
peace out. xo. ems