(no subject)

Oct 30, 2011 08:59

Project Accessory \0/ for the win! It's like the "Just Desserts" of Project Runway. There is obviously some challenges; showing the contestants making 200 hoop rings just isn't very thrilling. Also, the mentoring woman, the Tim Gun of the show, isn't up to his level, at least not yet. Also, why there is an accessory wall in a accessory-making contest?

Once Upon a Time... Hmm. I'll have to see a few more episodes to see how it goes. It's written by Jane Espenson so it's full of kick-ass women, but my little fanfic-loving heart didn't find any character for me to actually care about.

Dropped both Monte Pittman and Tommy Joe from my Twitter list, Monte for being an douchebag and Tommy for being violence-approving dimwit. #teamcleaslate, people.

Real life:
What else? Last nigh two friends of mine dragged me to sing karaoke, and of course I had to do "If I had You", just because it was there. The MotörHead t-shirt wearing bunch at the next table hadn't a clue about what or who I was singing..

Also, it continues to get grazier and crazier at work, the next person is leaving on December and no new recruits in sight. We'll probably all die of exhaustion come the February-March busy time.
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