I think I am a bad luck magnet lately...

Apr 12, 2007 23:18

So this morning I get up groggily, turn up the radio, shower and get ready for work....When I am ready, I turn off the radio and head downstairs. I open the front door to the building and notice someone double parked on their cell phone and get the feeling there is some extra activity going on outside my front door... sure enough I go down a few more steps and see a bunch of glass on the street.... and A MOTHA EFFIN CAR FLIPPED OVER ON IT'S TOP!!!

I did the classic badly acted, dumb movie thing where they stand, open mouthed staring at the scene in front of them unable to move or take in what just happened.... totally did that. That was me.

Once my senses snapped to, I realized that this had JUST happened (musta been RIGHT before I turned off the radio cuz I didn't hear a thing!) and my medical triage trained self went into action and I started prioritizing what to do..... I realized there was no one in the car, asked someone who was in it, and they pointed to this poor 60-some year old woman sitting up indian-style on the sidewalk, the man who was in the other car in the accident had just pulled her from her car. She looked amazingly well for an older woman who just got taken out of her overturned car... but I was freaking out that they had moved her that far and that she was sitting up. So I told her I was going to hold her head and stabilized it as best as best as I could until the medics got there. She was doing really well, obviously very shocky, but hardly a scrape on her.

Now, I was in an accident about a year and a half ago in which I hit the steering wheel with my head and was trying to remain calm whilst I bled from my head, was accosted by the non-english speaking family who hit me and trying to flag someone down with a cell phone to call 911 for me (my phone had of course JUST died) and not a SOUL stopped to help. And everyone who was sauntering by on their way to class (it was in front of my college) amazingly 'didn't have a cell phone'... I was BLEEDING FROM MY HEAD... no one cared.

So this lucky woman, not only has my neighbor rush over to offer assistance, letting us know he's a trained EMT, but also the woman who was there helping me tend to this lady was a nurse, AND some dude rolls up in his fancy car and comes over and he's all "I'm a doctor." WTF? Where were these guys in MY time of need?? :P Oh yeah AND this was the first accident this lady has ever been in... I told her she did a bang up job and this will likely fill her lifetime quota.

So yeah, not sure exactly how it happened, something about her going along and someone pulling out from where they were parallel parked on the street and add in some magic and the unluckiest laws of geometry and physics and BAM, you are upside down on 10th Ave. Who knew?

In other news, my luck was also with me on Monday morning when it was windier than hell downtown and a giant parking lot sign (about 6 ft tall and made of steel) decided to blow over onto my noggin while I tried to pay for my daily ass-rape parking fee. It hit me kinda in that meaty spot at the base of the skull and I was just cold and pissed and it hurt but I was all "whatevah, it's Monday bitchez."

And then in talking with my friend tonight and realizing my head still hurt where I got hit and telling him the story and then recounting how I've been really fuzzy headed and unable to concentrate and have been having a hard time organizing my thoughts and words and briefly thought I saw bugs crawling on the wall Monday night, and have basically been a really really tired, spaced out freak all week... that I think I have a concussion.

Then after deciding this as possible fact and recounting it to The Boy later, he was trying to get me to follow his finger with my eyes and was getting annoyed and telling me not to move my head and he was all "No, follow my finger with your eyes, don't move your head!" and I was all "I am not moving my head! But you're making me nauseaus."....so yeah, I guess I was moving my head.

I think I am going to the Dr. tomorrow if I don't wake up feeling clear and de-fuzzed. It's not like they can really do anything... but probably better to get it checked.

Stupid head.

Now I go to bed. It's almost Friday. I can't wait. I AM SO SLEEPING IN ON SATURDAY!!! WOOOO!!!!
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