SPOILERS under the cut.
7.22: There Will Be Blood
1. OK. And then, Show? And then? Feels like I've just watched half an episode. Much like the last three episodes of s5, maybe it's better off to watch the final episodes of s7 in one go.
2. Hahaha. Dick Roman is so goddamn over-the-top. He's so hammy! SPN has never been great with subtle villainy (Ruby was the closest they got with that, and even her they kind of ruined)--hell, SPN has never been great with subtlety, period. It's so ridiculous that it's awesome.
3. Aw, poor Kevin.
4. Ok, let's see if I've got this right. The Leviathans know that there's an in-case-of-emergency note out there from God, with specific instructions on how to kill them, though they don't know what those are. Dick funds this world-wide archaeological dig until he actually finds it (in Iran, I think?). Instead of having it nuked then and there, he insists on it being flown to the US so that he can destroy it himself. In doing so, Sam and Dean manage to intercept it and figure the instructions out.
4.5. Why couldn't he have just... let it be? Idgi. His plan's on overdrive. Within a year, he's achieved so much. At this rate, the world will be his and his kind's "dinner plate" in five years, a decade, tops. There's no way anybody could've found the Word of God after that. Hell, nobody found it all this while--it took a concerted, generously-funded world-wide effort to find it now. Why would you actively seek out the one thing that would kill you, and hope your enemies don't notice? This is what we call in Tamil, pottu koduthu maatikarudhu.
4.6. Oh, and also? The Word of God? Dude. This is literally a deus ex machina! Hahahahaha. I swear, s7 has been one gigantic excuse for Show to fuck around with us. And it started off like such a serious season, too.
5. Dick Roman's bought over Sucro-corp! It's in the corn syrup! The corn syrup! *gaspshockhorror*
5.5. How is this the "final phase of his plan"? The Leviathans have gotten America under their thrall, but a lot of the world don't eat the same stuff. He's still got a long way to go.
5.9. Oh, oh wait. In SPN, America = World. I forgot. Carry on.
6. We never actually saw the entirety of what Kevin translated last episode--all we got was that the Leviathans can only be killed by the "bone of a righteous mortal" and that they should start with the "blood of a fallen angel", which Cas was kind enough to give them. Here's a hint of some of the rest:
"blood of the ruler of fallen humanity" and "father of the fallen beasts"--it's right there. Are you telling me that Sam and Dean never figured out that this could mean the King of Hell and the Alphas? That Bobby had to spell it out for them? And that's their big breakthrough, and that they sat around for days breaking their heads over it? Are you kidding me?
6.5. "cut off the head and the body will flounder" That's all well and good, but Sam's right--even if they do kill Dick, the Leviathans have well and truly infiltrated humanity. They don't have magic sigils or Latin words to figure out who's who--only Borax, and that's harder to come across than holy water. In fact, without Dick to tell them to lie low and follow the Grand Plan, what's to stop them from going after the buffet? And it's so easy for them to step into somebody else's life seamlessly. You've gotten some real over-powered villains on your hands, Show, whatcha gonna do?
6.75. I know it says "waste not thy time nor your breath on the herd", but as of now? It's still a legit concern.
7. Turducken snot-goo is contaminating the blood for vampires! Fascinating.
8. Bobby. Sam and Dean are legit terrified of him. Why did you do this, Show. Why. You gave him a beautiful send-off. A whole episode--which no other character got, not even Sam and Dean, in all of their numerous deaths (maybe No Rest for the Wicked? Nah). We know almost as much about his Tragic Backstory as we do about Sam and Dean's. Hell, even John didn't get that much backstory. Why did you have to bring him back like this--to be this?! To be sad and disturbing and plain scary? Sam and Dean can't even talk about him--they have to hide from him to whisper about "dealing with him" behind his back. He has no qualms about whom he's hurting when he's on a rampage. On top of that, you've given us the definite implication that Sam and Dean literally cannot think without him to hold their hands. Just. What. Why. I don't understand. It's hitting all of the wrong triggers in me in ways I can't even explain.
8.5. And you know what's sadder? Bobby has a bigger emotional investment in the Leviathans' downfall than the Winchesters. Sure--his focus is on the painful death of one Dick Roman, and he probably doesn't give two fucks about the other Leviathans eating humans, but still. He's got a reason, and it's shaping what he is right now. Sam and Dean? Their personal storylines are on hold so that the plot may proceed. Dean's depression and drinking problem, Sam's PTSD and Hell-hallucinations--they don't, in any way, matter to the plot at hand, so let's not reference them until it's done.
Remember how I said this reminds me of the end of s5? Well, not really, because for all that that plot was rushed, Sam and Dean mattered to it. Here they're just these two guys who have to save the world by putting the Ultimate Weapon together and killing Dick.
9. Dean has to eat Sam-food! Hah. Although, I'd be careful if I were him--he's gonna be spending a lot of time in a car with a Sam who's just eaten a lot of bananas. I've gone through this with my brother, and trust me, it can get downright toxic. And my brother isn't even that much of a farter.
9.5. Also, the scene where Sam and Dean draw blood from the slushie guy is both sad and awesome. Also also, amusing that Dean happens to have a syringe on his person (uncovered, god), but he was already planning on going to the morgue to get the dead man's blood, so I guess that's understandable. And Sam drawing blood! (without cleaning the site first god)
10. Crowley! Oh, Crowley. What have you been reduced to. The Winchesters and the Leviathans yanking your chain. Also: he doesn't know that Castiel's back. That's interesting. Also, "wily character, that Alpha Vampire. Somehow made good his escape before Castiel went nuclear on the place" is just a painfully awkward piece of dialogue.
11. Alpha!Vamp yes! He ~trusted~ the Leviathans because he thought they were, y'know, family, but then was ~betrayed~. I especially enjoyed Edgar and the Alpha squabbling, with Edgar insulting Eve, and it was all so ridiculous and weird. Also, really appreciated that Sam and Dean insisted on rescuing the kid. A flash of character! Refreshing.
11.5. I wonder how they're preserving the blood. You think anti-coagulants would contaminate the spell?
12. Oh, Edgar, no, don't go. :((( *ala Johnny from The Room* Why, Show, why why why whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!!!!!
Ahem. But Sam was badass while killing him so, hey. Edgar? Not such a bad way to go, really. Edgar? Hey, Edgaaaar. Edgar.
13. So... Bobby is off possessing some poor innocent woman while (presumably) making a beeline for Dick Roman and possibly getting her horribly killed, or at the very least, traumatised in the process; Sam and Dean have most of their weapon ready; the Leviathans have captured Crowley. Hm. It's sad that the only friends that Sam and Dean have right now are demons, a fallen angel who's gone bonkers, a vengeful spirit, and a high school kid. Oh dear.