Aug 28, 2005 17:38
i am in love with montreal. frosh has started and it was pretty decent. most of my friends and i decided to only do one frosh week... our faculty. it's been exhausting. a blur of drunken fun... a lot of drunken fun.
on thursday, discover mcgill, i went and got oriented. i met a couple girls from new rez and a guy from doug named alex. we went to the first part and then our groupleader, james, got us our free pizza lunch. we were sooo bored by the stupid lectures that kelly, alex and i climbed the hill. we chilled in doug for a bit and then went back to our rez. i spent that afternoon chilling with some guys on my floor (kyle and jesse) and then we had the best hall meeting ever. they discussed the policy on shit like drugs and alcohol... there is none! just don't smoke in the building...but we do that anyway. that night i went out to saint sulpice... this huge bar with an open terrace. it was huge. tracy kent came along. we all drank and had a good time. then we came back to rez for more debauchery. on the way i met susannah and stephan...they came up here too. we chilled, then kyle, tracy, angus and i smoked up and then watched yellow sub. then andrew and kelly came by while floor hoppin and the rest of the night is history. at 5 am, kyle and i went to get my little highschooler out of a dorm room in our pajamas. we had fallen asleep at the end of yellow sub, so then we went and got ready for bed, then we got tracy. oh and also that night, there was an incident with my smoke detector that if i wasn't trashed would have been miserable.
friday started frosh. we had the booze cruise and then a clubbing experience. i met than that night. he is now my best friend in life... or at least one of them. i had a couple of beers that night and some shots at le dome. after le dome, kelly, deena and i went off to go back. kelly was in awe of hooker boots and pointing them out to everyone. deena and i got picked up by these old, bald, fat guys. then we all went for two dollar chow mein. we walked twenty minutes in the wrong direction and i got a lot of people peeved, so i paid for a cab back and donated a box of kraft dinner to the cause.
yesterday was the pub crawl. i went to the free bagels in the AM and then than, alex and my friend miles who i met on the way to st.sulpice, walked up the hill and chilled all day. then we headed down around 3ish. down the hill, we wandered and then ate and had some beer. then we pub crawled. it was insane. i hade 10 shots and 3 beers just in the early evening. susannah and her friend taylor, who soon became my friend, were in my pub crawl group. after the pub crawl, susannah, sol, than, taylor, kelly and i came up to my room, smoked some nargilah and other goodies. then we went down the hill to go to a club. susannah, taylor and i rolled down the hill on lower field and it was awesome. the clubbing was interesting. the night was not my favorite... i got upset and then alex came over. we ate oreos, watched mulan and went to sleep.
today i went to tam tams. my first tam tams experience and it was awesome. i danced and got to know sarah... she had invited me tho i came later than she had. we danced and then saw the duct tape nights. after seeing them, i had to show them to than. then he and i climbed up to the top of mount royal, barefoot. it was awesome. then we danced some more. then i showered and had some popcorn.
now i'm gonna watch a movie and have dinner.
ps- i am running for rez council... wierd, eh?