daily report, such as it is

Jan 29, 2006 17:34

I am looking very cute today in a grey skirt from a happy sack and my plum turtleneck and my strappy boots. I'm so awesome.

Friday evening I went down to Osaka right after work to meet up with Laura and Alyson for Hina's birthday party. We had sukiyaki and vodka and grape juice (PURPLE!) and a purple birthday cake. Yay! We also watched the remainder of Ike Ike Ikemen (starring Alyon's Hina, Laura's Subaru, and my Yoko) but now there's none left and it's very sad. Though we did figure that sometime in the future Jesus is going to appear with a time machine and a bunch of opium, and together we will travel back in time to write the script, and the only reason we stopped is because our boys begged us to. IT ALL MAKES SENSE!

Saturday we slept in and then wandered around Osaka. Got the gentei version of Pikanchi, which came in a green case that looks like one of those PRANG art sets (with the colored pencils and nice markers and kneaded eraser and charcoals, reamember?) and inside is the dvd (with a second disc) and a keitai strap like in the movie and now it's attached to my phone and I have a different ringtone set so that if anybody calls me it now proves to the world that yes, I am a complete dork. If you've seen the movie, that is. And if you needed further proof, I also got a Hello Kitty happy sack.

We got food at a really good Hawaiian restaurant with cute waiters, and then it was time to go back to Alyson's to watch Kuitan (still my favorite drama of the season).

Today I lazed about doing nothing until I decided that laundry was necessary and took care of that. Then Laura and I got food, hit up BookOff (nothing for me this week), and stopped by the CD store so I could check and make sure that I had indeed yoyaku'd the two calendars I want. Indeed I had, though I couldn't quite figure out what to say and had Laura ask for me... which got me scolded by the shacho who said that I TOTALLY could have asked that myself and to try harder next time.

And damn you Cookie and your catchy, catchy song.

Oh, and Thursday night/Friday morning had an interesting dream. Laura and I were on the train together in the morning, talking about going to Alyson's later that day. She told me to make sure I left work right away and hurried, because last time Alyson got annoyed at having to wait. I was just kinda 'whatever, I have work and that can't be changed, I'll get there when I get there.' Then a sketchy Japanese guy broke into our conversation and asked us what our names were. Laura said she didn't have a name, and I, only half thinking, said my name was Katie. Then he made a grab for my hand and starts trying to grope me, so I yell 'sukebe' and hit him and run away from him down the car. He follows me, so I go through the door into the next car, where TOKIO is sitting. I think 'oooooh, they're my boyfriend's sempai! They'll help me!' so I point behind me and quickly explain what's going on. Nagase says something in chinese to the person sitting next to him, then he and Mabo get up and kinda push me behind them to sit with Riidaa and Taichi. They then yell at the sukebe and make him go away and get official train people deal with him. Then my alarm went off. The end.

cuteness, food, dork, johnny's, dreams, party, fashion, friends

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