When I left off, it was somewhere around the middle of the Fujii Takashi concert. (And Ho.Ly.Fuck. I CANNOT type today.) There's really not too much else to say on that subject, other than the rest of the concert was just as awesome and hilarious and fruity as the first part, and everybody onstage totally loved us. Oh, and at one point the coreography had Takashi pushing all the girl backup dancers away, and letting all the boy backup dancers tie him up.
Now on to the V6 birthday party!
Laura and I stayed over at Alyson's place after the concert, and then spent the next day preparing for the party. We put up streamers, blew up heart-shaped balloons (several of which exploded in our faces, ow ow ow), and BAKED A CAKE. A real, honest-to-god birthday cake. With layers and frosting and EVERYTHING. AND DECORATIVE ICING. Let me tell you, though, making a cake without a mixer is a bitch. Especially sponge cake. Which involves MAKING MERINGUE. BY HAND. FUCKING DAMNIT MY ARM STILL HURTS. But it tasted really really good, and that's the important thing, right? Oh, and I thought the icing tasted vaguely watermelon-y, but everyone else thought I was on crack. Watermelon-flavored, apparently.
We started off with some PVs, and Alyson and Laura and I played a drinking game for both the group and our individual members (Alyson = Hiroshi, Laura = Maa-kun, Me = Go (once again I've been assigned a member, not really complaining though)). By the time we'd finished.... 3 or 4 PVs, I needed a new drink. Then we switched to tapes of shows they've been on recently, and we went through more alcohol. Then other people showed up and it was time for tacos. And more drinking. And watching V6. And playing the Hold Up Down board game.
After more drinking and watching and CAKE, it was time to head out for V6 karaoke. In party hats. ....I forgot to mention the party hats, didn't I? Yeah, well, each of us had party hats. Gold for Tonisen (Laura, Alyson, and Jamie) and pink for Kamisen (me and Eri). Eri had to go home, 'cause the poor girl had work the next day and it was pretty late already, but the rest of us wandered through Osaka around midnight in party hats. And everybody thought it was for Christmas. Oops. We did an hour of karaoke, entirely V6 (except for the last song, which was Oh My Juliet! because it was stuck in our heads STILL). Then we walked back to Alyson's, told the patrons of a strip club that the party hats were NOT for Christmas while we danced by to the Fujii Takashi music coming out the speakers, and went to bed.
And I think that sums up the weekend.