- Bun was a prisoner this year! No more creepy Bun!
- Hama-chan was the scary prison official, though. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy my favorites gotta take turns being scary?
- Kotaki's voice doesn't match Akito's as well, which makes Rival less amazing.
- Kami-chan and Bun had a dance competition, which Kami-chan did better at mainly because it was more his style of dance.
- Oh yeah, the play opened with the blue group appearing in the audience at the kind of - in the staircase area above the first floor right side seats, between the stage and the, um, sideways seats. And When the lights came up, there was Akito, STARING RIGHT AT US. Like, he found us before the show even started. He gave us a little grin and then went back to staring intensely.
- Junta found us really early on too, the first time he sat down on the stage stairs into the aisle we were on.
- In the scene where Junta is describing how he ended up in jail, and the report about stuff happening at the Shochikuza... Senzaki and Kami-chan at least were running around and dancing with the chibiko and I'm honestly not sure if they were supposed to be there or not.
- Hama-chan, when things start to go bad for him, stood at the top of those stairs right in front of us to deliver his I AM SCARY AND CRAZY AND SCARY AND NOBODY ESCAPES FROM MY PRISON speech and spent the ENTIRE THING holding eye contact with me. UM.... HELP.
- Ryuko. Akijii. Ryuko was very proud of her boobs.
- Junta messed up several times, and laughed and laughed, and everyone else on stage was laughing too and it was wonderful.
- Kami-chan came out during the prison break without his microphone on and had to stop and fiddle with it before he could actually be heard. It was awesome.
- Before the shower scene they all just took off their shirts for no reason whatsoever other than HI FANSA and apparently Junta made eye contact with Laura during it. He made eye contact with me after that, but instead of the AWW YEAH look he apparently gave her, I got a I KNOW YOU'VE BEEN WATCHING BUN-CHAN THIS WHOLE TIME sort of look. And uh, yeah. OBVIOUSLY I WAS.
- Kami-chan had another oops when he came out late for his 10年後 cue... and then when he appeared he didn't have his shirt buttoned. He did it up while delivering his lines.
- In the part where all the guards are standing in the aisles with their guns trained on the prisoners, Richard was standing right in the perfect spot to completely block my view of everything. So I was wiggling around trying to see around him, and just about stuck my head in Yukito's side because he was standing right next to us.
- According to Laura, in this part Yukito also glanced over at us and kinda laughed. I guess today was one of the OH YOU GUYS days and not one of the YOU GUYS I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU days.
- During あいつが死んだ朝 Akito was sitting at the top of that staircase and basically sang the entire song to me and Laura. Like, did not stop making eye contact the entire time.
- Richard was one of the guards they attacked to steal a uniform, and when he came out after having been stripped he was wearing American flag boxers. YEAH RICHARD WE ARE RED-WHITE-AND-BLUE NAKAMA.
- Oh yeah, Laura wore her same dress that she wore to the Spring show when we were being all HI AMERICA, and I wore a "summer version" of my outfit from then - I didn't wear the adidas jacket because it was too hot, so instead got a blue fluffy skirt and layered red and white tanktops over it. And I had a red and blue star headband. and american flag underwear i am so coordinated
- Showtime was so short!
- Kotaki and Ryusei did a song by themselves.
- BAD, Hama-chan, and Shige and Kami-chan started off 蒼い季節 and then the rest of Veteran came in to support them.
- They did a new song right off the bat, I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet.
- Bun saw me pretty much right away once they got into BANG BANG - I had my Bun uchiwa in front and he saw it and started copying the movements I was doing. And then he GRINNED at me and I died.
- After Bun moved off to the other side of the stage I saw that Hama-chan was looking in my direction, so I swapped his uchiwa to the front and he saw me make the change, and was all DAMN STRAIGHT and gave me a thumb's up. And I died again.
- The chibiko got a lot of songs, BHV not so many. I have theories, but I don't want to talk to much about it because, um, I am superstitious.
- For Romantic, Bun came out into the area the blue group first appeared in, and spent a LOT of time looking out OVER my little corner and into the back of the first floor and up into the balconies. But then he looked my way and saw my third uchiwa (KYO WA TANJOUBI ni chikai DESU) and I could see him read (all of!) it, and he gave me a thumbs up and said Happy Birthday in English to me, and then we had a whole little conversation through gestures. And I died for the third time.
- I think I got more love from Hama-chan near the end of showtime, but honestly things after Bun telling me happy birthday are kinda blurry until we get to the very end.
- After their curtain call, Veteran went over to the far side of the stage and Laura (being taller) saw Bun and Hama-chan pointing at me and talking. And when I looked over at them as the curtain was being lowered, I saw Bun-chan waving back at me and saying I LOVE YOU.
- And I am still dead.