02-02 20:58
From: Alyson
A senpai of mine is apparently making a zombie movie and wants some gaijin zombies, I dunno the details yet, but assume the most payment you'll get is some Japanese practice and a fucked up story to tell.
Zombie movie was this morning.
Alyson, a dude from her work,
Miyato-san (in blackface..... oh Japan), and I were to be tourists walking around looking lost on Sennichimae.... who stumble into a ton of zombies. As I had to leave early to get to work on time, I got to be zombie victim number one! Yay! I'm the stupid one who discovered the zombies and got eaten first!
First they filmed us walking down a deserted (it was 7:30, nobody is ever around that early in the morning!) side street, looking at a guidebook, then looking around confused as if we have absolutely no fucking idea where we are. Then we got to start yelling stuff like "Helloooooooooo? Is there anyone here?" And then I got to run away from my group (STUPID!) because I heard something (STUPID!) and when I found a zombie I was all excited because "I FOUND A FRIEND!!!!" [zombie bites me] And then I got to scream. A lot. After that ALL the zombies dogpiled me, and they ripped me in half and I got to scream again.
And then I had to run to work, so I don't know how it all turned out. But apparently Alyson and Miyato-san were the smart, zombie-killing ones. And Alyson said later that she got to snap a zombie's neck.
I sooooooooo need to see this when it's all finished.
Other things worth mentioning:
- one of the zombies was wearing a t-shirt that said "I know the joy of regenerated life" but he didn't know what it meant until we explained it
- the director (
Garigarigarikuson-san) did in fact plan to film it today because it was Friday the 13th.
- zombies are blue.