Yet another day...

May 13, 2010 10:47

Actually will be my eight day of work in the last nine days, and I don't foresee a day off until Sunday at the earliest. I like the hours, no doubt, but it would be nice to have a little bit of downtime in between.

With what time I have had, I've put it towards beta-reading, (RH fics at the moment, though I know there is a LOTR fic I must get back to), struggling with my own chapter (Which I've finally made some progress on) and entertaining myself with the new challenges at HL (which I must confess is quite addictive.)

Joined a new RH site the other day which has some entertaining questions and takes on different things. It is interesting to get different opinions of people on how they see certain things. I also recently acquired a new photo program that I've been having a blast with. The days have been quite nice, and I am hoping when I get some time off, I can get away to do some photography with a friend. Pack up a lunch, head to the beach, and enjoy the nice weather. We have some underwater camera's we've been waiting to test, and with the warmer weather it might be a good time to try. Though I wonder where my camera even is at the moment, I know I put it, and the film (seeing as it is not digital) somewhere to keep it safe, but that was last year in the winter and I haven't looked for it since. Might be time to break out a search party and find it.

Work later today, hopefully after I will be able to talk with my beta-partner, and discuss the finer points of my chapter, and have that posted by Saturday some time. It is well overdue, but I'll just blame the wall I ran into for that one.
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