Argh, here goes yet another week where I think that it's a shame I haven't posted today, but busy and there's always tomorrow AND THEN IT IS FRIDAY. Anyway. Baby steps, y'all. I'm clearing through open tabs this weekend.
Doctor Who )
Fringe! My love for these recent eps has been wary since it does feel like they were placeholding until Peter's return. After season 3 though, I'm pretty wary of Fringe doing epic plot things anyway, so it was still nice to explore the things that've changed. In my perfect TV world there would have been more cooperating between universes + Rachel and Ella, but still. Nice.
Also is it wrong that in the three scenes or whatever they've had together, I ship Olivia and OurLincoln more than I have ever in my entire life shipped Olivia and Peter?
Well I still manage to ship AltLincoln and Ourlivia past the name confusion, so no. ;)
I hope Digger works out for you. And hey, if you get a chance, any good webcomics recs? I definteiyl wou;dn't mind following a few more. :)
I'll still be like, HOW LONG until new stuff?!
Ah, I think maybe a lot of my frustration is that most of the things I end up gravitating towards in trades are more serialized-lite. Finished runs, standalones, etc. I barely even register them as serials half the time. Which is why I've been reading a lot of older, *completed* stuff and probably one of the reasons Simone's run of Wonder Woman was a little harder for me to get through than Rucka's. Now that things I want to read are currently being written and are not enough story, I rebel. Probably I'll adjust. :)
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