Oh flist, I have been as close to sleepwalking through this week as possible while still remembering to like, buy groceries and drive to work. At least I have the slight excuse of a cold, but those were my accomplishments. o_O
To report: it's been a week since I came home from San Francisco and it was completely fabulous, not just for the gorgeous city I'm tempted to move to or learning things, but for getting to stay with the lovely
frolicndetour most of all! Definitely a highlight, even if the hill to her place wasn't. ;)
But in a transparent attempt to prevent me from EVER LEAVING, guess what followed me?
At least I got a free concert by the Old 97's out of it? And I got 9 of 10 at identifying pictures of Texas, plus I caught them sneakily trying to pass off New Braunsfels as Austin. *g*
It's also a beautiful city at night.
Fannish things:
Currently, I'm still watching Doctor Who at a glacial pace despite thinking it's fabulous.
Especially my new-found, yet forever love for River Song, and how understated Matt Smith's Eleven is. But, HELLO SWEETIE. *flails* It's like..five minutes after I first see her on the show she's already hypnotized a guy, broke into a ship in SMOKING HOT SHOES, left messages in Ancient Gallifreyan for her possible space husband, and thrown herself out an airlock stylishly. Her confidence may be the sexiest thing about her. but it's a long list, is what I'm saying. :D (Any time I read a post that uses the phrase "Mary Sue", I'm gonna go find out what they think of Capt. Jack. :p) She obviously has enormous respect for the Doctor, which doesn't prevent her from mocking him and keeping him on edge. I'm dangerously close to shipping them! And I love her scenes with Amy. AND HER SMILE!
The only thing I'm not thrilled by is the canon end of her arc, since honestly I'd like to think there's a better way of showing us she's brilliant than giving her THREE imaginary kids instead of two. :/ And I'm kind of torn because I like the idea of the last time she meets the Doctor being his first and both responsible for the other's death, but no. SHE MUST RETURN, OMG. And narratively, if she's also the one who kills him, it kind of gives me hope that neither of those things is actually the end of the whole story, but the beginning of something new. And clearly even more awesome. ;)
Overall, I adore the circularity of her relationship with the Doctor though and how off-balance he is around her initially, since it's so rare that he has to be the one without knowledge. <3
She's also talented at being in the episodes that I WILL NEVER WATCH WITH THE LIGHTS OFF. ANGELS. DELETING PEOPLE. *shivers*
But mostly, Eleven, Amy, River, Rory, and just....everything. I LOVE IT ALL, INCLUDING THE BOWTIE. I'm about to start Cold Blood and the picture on my streaming site of Rory bringing a lunch tray to the homicidal reptile soldier is so awkwardly adorable I'm going to pretend I'm unspoiled for what's coming so I don't get really sad.
Other random thoughts:
-OMG AMY! <3
-If there are not hundreds of pretty fairytale vids using Amy in the forest of angels, I will be horribly disappointed in fandom. IT WAS NEARLY MY FAVORITE THING AFTER "HEEL, BOY"
-Possibly relevant, but the idea of "perception filters" from Vampires of Venice seems pretty appropriate for the whole broken time thing, even if not specifically used by giant fish aliens whose teeth looked suspiciously like Prisoner Zero's. :) Amy's house has too many doors and there's something horribly wrong with the universe and her and it's FASCINATING. OR OPTION TWO: CRAZYCAKES!
Morning ETA: *reads reactions* apparently the general theory (at the time) was that the Doctor who left Amy in the forest and the one who reappeared to comfort her were not the same? Innnnteresting.
The Dredsen Files by Jim Butcher: Usually, these are the kind of books I buy for $1 in the bargain bin and save for airplanes and such, but I had the misfortune to actually pick up one I really liked and so have read a RIDICULOUS NUMBER of this series in the last couple weeks. And, really, it's a whole post to describe my waffling about being able to follow the action, and loving the urban fantasy detectiving part, but still having a hard time getting through some of them, so here's a review that
does it for me! About the only thing I really disagree with is I think that the women do come off worse, since they have the extra requirement of being gorgeous, tough, and preferably blonde to overcome Harry's chauvinism. The men get cute quirks like polka first.
I also unexpectedly adore Charity Carpenter, wife to an actual Knight of the Cross (which later is unexpectedly a gender-neutral job!), probably in reaction to Harry completely rationalizing her dislike of him as mostly a failure on her part. From the little she's in there, I think that she and Sarah Connor would understand each other very well. Anyway, fun reads, good writing, ambivalent reccing! ;)
Also, I believe Zuko (Avatar)**** and Thomas Raith should chat:
Thomas: "I condemned my girlfriend to a tortuous existence and now we can never touch because our true love burns my demonic soul!"
Zuko: *awkward* "That's rough, buddy"
****This is actually horribly unfair to Zuko, because NOT EVEN ON HIS WORST DAYS, YOU GUYS. *kicks Thomas*
Zahrah the Windseeker by Nnedi Okorafor: In less conflicted reccing, this is a gorgeous YA book with some of the most vivid and often hilarious worldbuilding I've read in a long time. It's definitely written a little younger, but combines nature and technology really cleverly and is a great example of a girl gone epic questing with a noble cause. I feel this is a Very Good Thing and should be encouraged. *g*
I'm also nearly through with Omnivore's Dilemma, thank to of Allie lending me her copy, and it's fascinating and a bit scary to explore how food grows in our country. A little I knew, as a mostly-vegetarian and participant in an organic co-op, but the first section on the corn industry especially is TERRIFYING and makes me look at everything I eat suspiciously. I've been avoiding ordinary ears of corn in my fridge for days! Very thinky, and definitely recommended. :)
And tomorrow (hopefully), recs!