I should probably be grateful to
karatekat for tagging me in this meme because I've been completely 'meh' about posting or really doing much of anything lately. Also I discoverd the only time I can bring myself to do anything fannish with Photoshop is after 1:00 a.m. THIS IS NOT HELPFUL, SELF.
So. Meme. I refuse to tag anyone. SO THERE.
First: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
Second: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to tag anyone. Don't tag who tagged you
Lots of pillows or just one?
At least four? On a twin bed, which is just awkward.
What kind of books do you read?
Photography books, and a pretty decent balance of non-fiction, fiction, and genre stuff recently. Right now mostly that kind of sci-fi that's really about people/cultures and urban fantasies.
ZOMBIES OR ROBOTS: Which apocalypse is scarier?
Dude, I don't think my puny human brain would be up to the challenges of surviving a robot apocalypse, and I could at least run and outthink the undead (I hope). But I'm going with zombies for the 'ew' factor and for the enemy potentially being your deceased family members/next-door neighbors that you have to blast into oblivion. Gotta keep your mental health in an apocalypse after all.
Why do you currently like Livejournal?
Smart, creative people talking about things I'm actually interested in. :D
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
BSG, which probably means I should talk about it more. But I've been kind of obsessively watching Babylon 5 in the last week (y'all were right, OK!).
Tea or Coffee?
Both! In enormous amounts even.
What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ, news sites, photo blogs and occasional Stumbling. ;) I need to figure out how those RSS feeds work soon.
What was the last thing you bought?
*cough* 25 ft of 16 ga steel flashing and quick set epoxy.
Which fictional character do you think you're most like?
I had to think! Probably George(ia) Lass, with more smiling.
Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?
Absolutely. For weird stuff like cottage cheese, dried fruit, coconut hot chocolate, and practically every type of cheese that's been made. At least some of that is good for me?
What do you do to change your mood?
Get out of my house and be anywhere else for a few hours. Even just being somewhere where there are other people is kind of soothing to me.
What was the last meal you ate?
Veggie egg burrito with black beans and avacado, mhmmmm.
Do you want to learn another language?
Yeah, I need to pick up Spanish again for the general usefulness.
What does the world need to do to get in your favor?
To magically give me my next photography project, or for my current experiments to just WORK.
Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 54. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph?
If you are seeking a deep burgundy color, then try the gold borax toner for 30 minutes followed, after a rinse, by the 30 minute gold ammonium thiocyanate toner.
What was the last dream you had that you can remember?
I used to remember my dreams with depressing regularity, but not so much now. Especially the good ones. :( At least they all have interesting color schemes! The last one I remember involved me running around with a bunch of other people, who were all dead and didn't know it, locked in some crazy cycle of ghost vengeance, until we figured out what was going on and decided to hug it out and start new undead lives or something. No idea.
What are you looking forward to?
Today! Because it's not yesterday, which was kind of hellish work-wise.
And have a few links I've been sitting on too.
I have no idea why I adore
this photo series, by Lily McElroy so much, because it's a little repetitive and doesn't really get into the subtexty-ness of the premise, but I think I just love the literalism of it.
I know Laura Shapiro's new vid
Hurricane has been recced everywhere already, but it really is one of the best AU's I've watched and damn sexy as well. The parallels that cut between the "two pilots walk into a bar" premise are perfect.
Jasika Nicole (Astrid from Fringe) proves that she is secretly in possesion of quite a lot of awesomeness with her fantastic website. I especially like her personal comics.
Since I've been speeding through Babylon 5 recently, I should type up some thoughts on that soon-ish. Though, half of my not too spoilery later season 1 reaction can be summed up with "LONDO! WHAT THE HELL!"