I've noticed there's thing *thing* floating around BSG fandom causing massive drama, squee and occasional sparkly text. Which, hey, is awesome, because what I know about The Plan is CYLONS!!, and that a teal jacket will make you look like an entirely different genocidal robot. O_o It's probably damn epic too. But I haven't seen it and I kind of maybe promised to watch it with someone who I'm sure isn't suffering like I am, so. Distraction.
merrykk gave me Top Five Cylons from BSG (Appropriate!)
5. Cavil: God, I hate Cavil. Almost as much as I love Cavil snark and how he never stops being a complete and total mainipulative bastard.
4. Gina: Who does nothing but break my heart and is never anything less than completely deadly. My love for Tricia Helfer knows no bounds for making them keep Gina's PTSD.
3. Natalie: She started a revolution and blew Cylon society to hell on a vision in true Six fashion. And never forgot, but I think would never regret it either, even when she was the first one to pay the price.
2. Sam: Poor guy is just not robotic enough most of the time to crack the top spot. But I met him first in Downloaded when I really watched the show for the first time and the combination of badass resistance fighter, plus the fact he was as confused as I was by what the hell was happening on screen, hooked me immediately into his POV. And I just..irrationally love the guy for being completely steadfast and decent in everything and his love for Kara, and then selling me on the Final Five backstory by making a believable combination of easygoing Sammy and robot scientist. Which gives him more than enough Cylon cred for this list. :)
1. Caprica: I missed the miniseries until I was almost through season 3 entirely so it was Downloaded that really made me fall for Caprica as a character. And really it was that episode that created her sans backstory, so I knew all I needed to. :) The combination of manipulation, fanaticism, guilt and love fascinated me from the beginning and never stopped. Even when it is a REALLY BAD IDEA she never stops loving, crossing borders, and will never back down.
Honorable mention: Boomer
merrykk also gave me top five songs that remind of of favorite characters
This one was a little odd to do, since I only really started strongly associating songs with characters once I started vid-watching. So I have a ton for favorite character matches, but not many that are really my associations alone. And hey, 4 of 5 are mine here. :)
1. Cavil:
John Saw that Number by Neko Case in all seriousness and complete irony. Especially how it treats the Johns it references as the same. And because it makes me laugh and I may be running low on bitterness, but my urge to snark at both Cavil and apparently the Cylon God is still strong. ;) (Note: kind of al vid bunny. Possibly I am also insane.) And while I'm on Neko Case, post-Cylon reveal Ellen and Tory is totally
Margaret vs. Pauline on days when my Tory sympathies are running high.
2. Kara:
'Cuz I Can by Pink- Like I said, lots vids have introduced to me to songs that are perfect for characters, but I wanted to find one for Kara and this I think not just describes her perfectly, but is actually her thought process most of the time. And since my association version has less Lee (though the vid is phenomenal), I thought it was fair game for me. ;)
3. Sam:
Pinch Me by Barenaked Ladies- It's not a very complicated one, but I think it's fits the split pre and post Crossroads without being completely sappy or too dramatic. It's even a bit light and fun since I always saw Sam as the guy best able to roll with what he was given and it was never all bad.
4. Baltar:
Product Placement by Sage Francis-(vid bunny on life support) Baltar's private guilt, public image, and how he compartmentalizes are kind of interesting to me. Also the free pass he gives himself in later season 4 to never do anything bad. Ever. :)
5. Georgia Lass (Dead Like Me):
One Life Away by M. Ward- Because a Reaper can't do anything but watch and mark the days of the living. With friends. :)
Top five 'ships! from
beccatoria Warning for extreme laziness ahead, sorry..this may be the hardest one on here 'cause I really don't seem to get strongly invested in romantic ships that often and mine are often boringly canon. I love Laura and Lee's season 2 dynamic, I think Matt and Julie are pretty adorable during season 1 of FNL and so on and so forth, but I've noticed that fannishly I'm not to fussed about accepting pretty much anything as long as the characterization is believable. Two of the ones on here aren't even necessarily romantic, but definitely meet the flailing profile in direct proportion to how much of the show I've been watching recently. ;)
5. Parker/Hardison/(Eliot) (Leverage): Ok, new show team love for sheer GLEE. And bizarrely the first OT3 I could really roll with, . Hee. They are adorable and the show the perfect kind of candy for my brain right now. But really, I just need for them to keep the fun group dynamic working oh, forever. With Sophie too,
4. Coach/Tami (FNL): To be fair Coach Taylor is kind of a jackass sometimes, but the kind of jackass I love and understand since he's also pretty much every football coach I've known. He knows when to listen to Tami and they are one of the best portrayals I've seen of a real working marriage on screen.
3. CJ/Toby (TWW): My other not-necessarily-a-couple option here, and probaly the one I never would actually want on the show. But they are such a team and know each other well enough to anticipate all the little things the other will do. Even the little handholding on the season 1(?) cover is perfect and rewatching is totally to blame here for reminding me. :)
2. John/Aeryn (Farscape): I don't know where to begin with these two. They keep breaking my shipper heart even on multiple rewatches. If they both had to change in such horrible and amazing ways throughout the show, I'm glad it was together.
1. Kara/Sam! (BSG)- *lets flag wave* :D It's not the grand destiny of the ending or the Cylo..ok it is kind of the Cylon thing by giving Sam a perspective and story that's interesting all apart from Kara, even while pulling him closer into her storyline. It helped me finally invest for good, but they were always the most fun and they kept coming back to each other even through the worst in a way that just worked for me. And there's whole essays on their "connective tissues" (hee! Thanks Trucco!) once you hit season 4, whether you go the whole angelic destiny route or are still in denial about how Kara's father is totally Daniel (hi!).
Honorable mention: Nine/Rose (DW). Oh the angst.
I wasn't able to finish
frolicndetour 's or
nicole_anell 's awesome ones, but I will try and get those both out soon. :)
And happy late birthday
chaila43!! I hope your day was fantastic!