Check off the day, line by line

Jun 17, 2009 20:28

On the good news side: I'm going to Dragon Con! :D :D :D

I am very excited about this.

Otherwise this week is crawling by for me and I think it's making me a little neurotic. The most excitement I've had at work came today when I got a call from Admin telling me to stop spending money because we were $3700 in the red. Which we're not. I may hate math, but my accounting isn't THAT bad. But I got to quietly freak out in my silent office while they found the money anyway. Possibly it's fixed now. Yay.

Mildly fannishly: cujoy matched up Beatles/BSG awhile back and I thought I'd have fun and take a crack at Bob Dylan/BSG. Well...his songs are depressing, y'all. Damn.  I can only take so much of deciphering his lyrics, so this is less crackish (er, mostly) and nowhere near everybody.

Whole Series- The Times They Are A Changin'
Kara/Lee- Heart of Mine
Kara/Sam- I Believe In You(alternate is Shooting Star)
Caprica/Baltar- Is Your Love in Vain?
Romo- Diamond Joe
Cavil- Foot of Pride
Baltar- Rainy Day Women #12&35 (would take it absolutely unironically and well, there you go. ;))
Tigh- Moonshiner
Tyrol- License to Kill (I had Maxwell's Silver Hammer stuck in my head for him, so easy, easy call here)
Boomer- Nothing Was Delivered  (was almost Laura)
Gaeta- It's Alright Ma(I'm Only Bleeding) (...yeah, I think I'm done now)

Bonus crack!Sam for those who've read the Final Five comic- I Am A Lonesome Hobo

Also I am almost completely caught up with both the Farscape rewatch and TSCC. This is important to me because:
1) I love Aeryn Sun sooo much (also all of them, oh show)
2) Soon I can bring more Sarah Connor and clan into my life through vids and fic. Whoot!

I love all of you who have joined bsgvidrecs . And that is all I will say. *laughs*

farscape, t:scc, sam is a lonely hobo, bsg, they keep killing gaeta, rl

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