May 24, 2009 22:10
Downloaded two great albums today, both by The Dear Hunter. (Progressive rock, if anyone is interested.) I can't take my headphones out of my ears. Just thought I'd share. :)
My sister and I went to the movies last night. We saw Wolverine and Terminator. Wolverine wasn't bad, but it wasn't the best thing I've ever seen. It seemed contrived to me. (And of course, as a writer, I was picking the plot apart the whole time.) Terminator was better, especially since I've never seen any of the originals. They did a good job of making it accessible. Both were nice and action-packed. :D Neither were my favorite of the summer, though: that award goes to Star Trek. (The Russian kid in that one is also in Terminator. I'm pretty sure his name is Anton Yelchin--he's pretty cute. :P) I liked Star Trek the most of the summer, so far. Still on my list for the summer: HP and the Half-Blood Prince, Transformers II, and Angels and Demons. I just finished re-reading Angels and Demons, actually. Nice and twisty. A bit (only a bit, mind you) like James Bond in that the main character's love interest doesn't last more than a book. Which is unfortunate, actually, because the romantic interest in A&D is cool.
Oh! This actually has to do with writing. :P I got a book as a gift, recently, that is honestly a godsend: Stein On Writing, by Sol Stein. Seriously. It only took me like 3 days to finish it, and that's saying something considering I rarely finish nonfiction books. (Was that a run-on? Oh well, I'm too lazy to fix it.) It has advice on all of the stuff I worry about: characterization, plot development and so on. See if your library has it, or buy your own copy. I have a feeling that I'll be using mine a lot. :)
I think that's all. Forgive me for the rambling post; it's kind of late.
the dear hunter,