Feb 17, 2005 22:59
at lewis and clark right now..pretty chill place. its so weird thinking that this is the place that i might actually end up..like i might be spending my next 4 years of my life here. the peopple are all hella chill, but everyone says that it is extrememly rigourous..spelling? the chicks im staying with live in a quad and all speak french..its pretty cool cuz they all are worldly and do everything. tonight two of them had a japanese tea class for two hours and are now cooking for the coop tomorrow. there is another prospi staying wiht me in the quad. her name is mckenna and i spoke to her about possibly sharing a room next yerar. she is most likely going here and i am most likely oging here if i dont get into pitzer
30 minutes later-just talked to one of the girls about deferring a year and doing it and doing it and actually doing it. it will be one of the most exhilarating experieencees of my life....so will college. but if i defer next year i can have both..the best of both....there is this girl next door from bolivia and she went to a german school for a year in bolivia, is here for a semester studying english and is going to china next year to learn chinese....holy shit okay
later-g2g go chill at the co-op