dawn of a new age, actually already 8 am

Jan 20, 2024 09:55

  1. it's remarkable... truly, what you hominids were able to accomplish
  2. in a viciously cruel, hostile setting that cares not for you or your feelings
  3. how many versions of hominids did we have to go through to get to 2024
  4. cro-magnon to neanderthal to dare i say it... homo sapiens
  5. which of you are among that illustrious inner circle of hominid vultures
  6. how many civilinations have come and gone... cities built on the rubble
  7. and destruction of other cities
  8. i mean it was only in the last century and a half that you now have toilets
  9. and sanitation
  10. before so many just shat in a hole in the ground - outhouses
  11. why does 'evil' exist?  because demons are so f-ing gorgeous
  12. and we need creepy-crawlers to harangue and harass Minnie Goodietwoshoes
  13. for being a hateful know-it-all
  14. and to understand that heaven is found in the bosom of Marilyn Monroes
  15. who can make men cry 'sweet jesus'
  16. and so that you learn
  17. it's thru evil
  18. boy
  19. do you always ever learn
  20. because some of the worst eviltry in this world
  21. is 
  22. LOVE

~emma ruth mccallister


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