(no subject)

Oct 06, 2005 20:24

It's like taking away breathing, you know.
Feelings that don't sit quite right.
Until you find some solution, some, something.
You can't fucking breath.

I feel that way about tomorrow. I have to go to some free clinic to be examined by a Dr., a Dr. who although qualified, is a complete stranger. He is going to look at me and tell me "yes, there is something wrong with you Ms. Frenstad, though we can't help you here, only hospitals are able to do that for you....I see you have no insurance. Better luck next time Lady.

Did I mention I fucking hate Dr's.....weird how i want to be one. A nurse actually.
I want to take care of old people all day. I have been looking at schools for it and to tell you the truth, it scares the shit out of me. What kind of person is scared of school? I'm afraid I'm out of the loop or something. I'm already old news and *you can't teach an old dog new tricks", so to speak. Shit. You know? Just, shit.
I talked to my ex boyfriend (the guy I moved to St. Cloud to be with) we chatted on aim for a bit, he's doing great everything is great, and I couldn't be happier for him. My eyes started tearing up while I was talking to him because I still feel bad for how things ended. I was so distant and cold and selfish toward the end. He didn't deserve that. I mean I was talking to a friend about it and although I know he's moved on, (and yes, I have as well) I don't want to go down in his book as a huge bitch. I would've done anything for that man. He meant the world to me. I hope he can see that sometime when he's sitting doing homework and the random thought of me pops into his head.
As for tomorrow, as scared shitlless as I am, I think I will be ok....but damnit I hate dr.'s
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