Veritas Vos Liberabit - Chapter 8/?

Apr 04, 2011 18:11

 A/N: Another chapter with very little plot movement, I apologize. I think you guys will enjoy this lack of plot though. ;)

Chapter 8

“Okay, I’m officially sick of this,” Callie said with a pout, folding her arms across her chest and sitting on the bed with a harrumph.

“Sick of what?” Arizona asked casually from her bed, where she lay on her stomach reading a magazine she had been given.

Instead of responding with words, Callie began to climb the ladder up to Arizona’s bed. Arizona shifted on to her side as she felt the bed move and peered down to the opposite end, where she saw Callie’s body appearing from below. “What are you doing?”

“I’m sick of this.”

“That doesn’t actually answer either of my questions…” Her voice trailed off as Callie slinked her way up Arizona’s body and took the magazine from her hands, before throwing it unceremoniously to the ground.

“Hey, I was reading that,” Arizona protested meekly.

“Let me tell you a story,” Callie began.

“Okay…” Arizona replied, elongating the vowels of the word to indicate her confusion.

“Once upon a time two women met in jail. One was a gorgeous Latina and the other was this really hot blonde.” Callie paused to allow for Arizona’s short giggling fit caused by Callie’s description of them. “There was clearly an attraction between them, but the blonde wanted to take things slowly and to try to date in jail. So the Latina played along and suffered through three long dates. They were nice dates and she enjoyed herself, but all she wanted to do was reach out and touch the blonde and kiss every inch of skin she could find.” Callie’s voice was becoming more and more husky with every word she said.

“Every night they slept side by side, because the blonde had nightmares. Again, the Latina didn’t mind, but it took everything in her power not to touch the smaller woman the way she wanted to.” Callie placed her hand on Arizona’s hip and began tracing tiny circles over the protruding joint. She grinned victoriously when she felt and heard Arizona’s breath hitch.

“What happened next?” Arizona asked, eyes unsubtly focused on Callie’s luscious lips.

“One day, the Latina was in the shower room with all of the other inmates and when she turned around she met the blonde’s gorgeous blue eyes and noticed that they were a darker shade than usual and slightly glazed over. That’s when she realized that the blonde was having a difficult time going slowly as well.” Callie leaned in and said these last words in a low voice before taking Arizona’s earlobe gently between her teeth. Arizona blushed a bright red, realizing she’d been caught that morning in the shower.

“What…um…what did the Latina do about it?” Arizona swallowed and attempted to regulate her breathing.

“She decided to take control of the situation.”

In one swift and practiced move, Callie maneuvered herself so that she was straddling the blonde, her strong hands holding down Arizona’s wrists above her head. “And she found that the blonde was a willing participant…right?” Arizona’s heart swelled when Callie phrased the end as a question showing her respect. When Callie reached down to kiss her, Arizona immediately opened her mouth and returned the kiss with as much fervor as she could from her submissive position.

“Definitely a willing participant,” Callie smirked as she pulled back and sat up. She rocked her hips liberally downwards, eliciting a low guttural grunt from Arizona. The blonde tried to free her hands and craned her neck up in an effort to reach Callie’s lips. Callie merely tightened her grip and backed away, a teasing smile on her face.

“Calliieee,” Arizona whined.

“What?” Callie asked with another undulation of her hips.

“It hurts,” Arizona said with a slight pout. Immediately Callie released her tight hold on the small woman’s wrists. “Oh my God, I’m so-” Arizona cut off her words by flipping her over in one graceful motion and reversing their positions. “-sorry,” Callie finished with a glare as she landed with her back to the mattress and her own hands pressed above her head. “That wasn’t fair! You play dirty, Robbins!”

“Shame on for you for thinking I couldn’t stand a little pain.” Arizona winked and licked her lips, before descending on Callie’s and engaging her in a searing kiss. Callie moaned loudly into her mouth and took her bottom lip between her teeth sucking and nibbling lightly.

“I know it will be hard for you, but you need to be quiet, Calliope,” Arizona scolded while punctuating her words with kisses and nips along Callie’s clothed clavicle. She took the first button on Callie’s jumpsuit between her teeth and expertly undid it, before moving to the next three and giving them the same treatment. She released Callie’s hands so that she could slide the thick material off Callie’s tanned shoulders. Callie slid her hands through blonde locks as Arizona attempted to kiss every section of exposed skin. The brunette moaned again, this time a little louder, and Arizona bit down on her skin in response. “What did I say about being quiet? Do you want our entire block to hear us?” She bit down on Callie’s flesh again, but this time Callie threw her head back and bit her own lip to stifle her groan.

Arizona continued her journey downwards, relishing each bit of revealed skin with fervent attention. Callie lifted her hips so Arizona could slide both her jumpsuit and underwear further down her legs. She finally removed the entire piece of clothing and tossed it gently to the edge of the bed. She began kissing a line up Callie’s left calf and stopped to lick the crease on the back of her knee, before moving upwards to lick and suck her thigh. Callie hissed and groaned, clenching the bed’s sheet in her fist.

“Okay, clearly you can’t be quiet,” Arizona said, somewhat annoyed. She backed away from Callie to grab the discarded jumpsuit and handed the item to the confused woman below her. “Here, bite the sleeve of this and shut up,” she growled with a twinkle in her eye to show Callie that she wasn’t actually mad. Though she genuinely did not want the rest of their block to hear them, Arizona was more than pleased with herself and amused that Callie was struggling to stay quiet. Callie took the material in her mouth and just in time, too. Arizona had wasted no time in continuing her assault on Callie’s inner thigh.

As she moved slowly higher, Arizona reached up both hands to palm Callie’s breasts. When she heard Callie’s muffled moans, she laughed, sending a short stream of air over Callie’s sensitive nerves, making the brunette shiver in pleasure. Arizona dipped her tongue in between Callie’s dripping folds and lowered her hands to steady Callie’s now slightly writhing hips. Callie tangled her hands in Arizona’s hair and pushed the blonde’s face tighter against her body. Arizona smiled into her and inhaled her intoxicating scent before plunging her tongue deeply inside exactly where Callie needed it the most. She pumped her strong tongue in and out steadily for a few moments, before replacing it with two fingers. Maintaining a steady rhythm with her fingers she moved her body upwards to kiss Callie’s hipbone before moving to her navel. Feeling the flushed brunette tense under her, Arizona removed the cloth from her mouth and replaced it with her own mouth. Placing a thigh between Callie’s trembling legs to back up her thrusts, she kissed Callie deeply. Callie moaned into her mouth as she came, fists clenching at the sheets and toes curled and heels digging painfully into the bed.

Arizona rolled over and traced lazy patterns over Callie’s chest and sternum as she waited for her to regain full consciousness. Callie exhaled deeply.

“Holy crap.”

“Worth the wait?”

“God yes,” she breathed. Opening her eyes, she glanced over to Arizona. “Wait, you’re still clothed.”

“Is that a problem?” Arizona grinned lecherously while Callie just nodded numbly.

Arizona kneeled to quickly rid herself of her own jumpsuit before lying down next to Callie once again. She sighed contentedly at the feeling of their uninhibited bodies connecting and kissed the brunette’s shoulder.

“Just give me a second to catch my breath and then you will be the one who’s unable to stay quiet.”


“Well if it isn’t the happy couple,” Dominique sneered walking to the fence where Callie and Arizona stood hand in hand, happy just to be with each other in the fresh air.

“Oh, just leave us alone, Dom. You’ve done enough damage,” Callie said before turning her back to the lanky Latina.

“So you’re picking your new little girlfriend over your friends?” Though there was still derision audible in Dominique’s tone, she also sounded hurt.

“No, I’m picking Arizona over the people I thought were my friends.” Next to Callie, Arizona internally beamed and squeezed Callie’s hand to show her appreciation.

“We are your friends, Cal.”

“No, my friends don’t bully people and accuse them of things they didn’t do.” She was of course referring to her incident with Arizona two weeks prior as well as Dominique’s suspicions of Callie’s innocence.

Dominique advanced on the couple, a menacing glint in her narrowed eyes.

“Don’t even think about it, Dominique,” Callie said with a mirthless laugh. “You are no match for us.”

Due to Arizona’s apparent plucky ability to fight coupled with the fearsome respect Callie had always commanded, they were becoming quite a force to be reckoned with. Dominique backed away with a sigh and returned to their normal basketball game absent one team member.
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