Today, I poached a perfect egg, and let me tell you, it's not as easy as it looks. They tell you to buy fresh eggs, and they tell you to crack it gently into a bowl. They also tell you to tip the egg carefully into a pot of piping hot water.
They don't say squat about what to do if the egg yolk breaks when you're cracking it into the small bowl.
I managed to salvage that egg, of course, but the fact remains that I managed, at long last, to poach a beautiful egg.
Things to remember for poaching:
1) Fresh eggs. FRESH EGGS.
2) Crack egg into bowl, first. Do NOT crack egg straight into the pot of water.
3) If it starts to look icky, remember that people in certain parts of the country eat worse things. Don't waste it; suck it all in and eat the egg.
4) Switch the fire off and cover it. If you leave the fire on, the water will continue to boil and the bubbles will cause the egg to spread all over. You don't want that.
If you're lucky, and if you'd prayed hard enough, your egg will turn out looking like this.
Voila! A petite and fluffy little white poached egg! Pouf!
...I suck at being French, but yes, moving on.
So I set the egg on top of a piece of pre-toasted ham-on-bread, toasted it a little bit more, and added a dash of a really simple sauce-like thing made entirely out of minced basil and garlic. It was as good an early dinner as any, and healthy, too, since... well, poached eggs = less fat, yes?
It would've been the perfect light dinner, except...
...I drank Coke. Talk about watching myself, ha! It's a good thing I'd taken a swim earlier in the day. I smell like chlorine. Chlorine and poached eggs. What kind of a combination is that, again?
I am now at a lost, and have absolutely no idea what I'm going to cook tomorrow. Maybe I'll bake something from Pilsbury. I'm itching to use the oven again, but that'll mean I'd have to pop by Jaya to get the ingredients.
I'll sit on it for the night.
On a completely unrelated note: I finished off Season 1 of Grey's Anatomy in between working out my loan details. I am going to owe Eddy so much after this 3% to 1% interest rate thing is settled.
Maybe I'll just cook him something.