Obviously I'm back in Penang as I write this, but if I had to fit in four days' worth of stuff in ONE entry, you guys would hate my guts. XD So here goes!
Day 1 was Thursday, the 23rd of July, 2009.
I arrived in Singapore in the wee hours of the morning, having spent the previous night watching all forms of movies on the bus. I swear, Konsortium's choice of movies for their snoozer buses are getting better and better. Among the movies I saw and loved:
1) Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (Re-watched)
2) IRON MAN, DUM DUM DUMMMMM! (Yes, I rewatched it)
3) Kung-Fu Panda! (MASTER OO-GUAY! 8D)
Ahem. So, upon reaching Beach Road, I grabbed a cab and made my way over to my Snuffpeet (Read: My sister)'s apartment. We got breakfast, yummy, yummy noodles, from the market opposite her house, ate, and then I napped while she read her newspaper.
And played Bejewelled, because it is oh-so-addictive.
After my little nap, we headed out for lunch at Swensons.
Yeah, lunch at Swensons. Whoever knew they didn't just sell ice-cream there?
Snuffpeet had her black-pepper pasta, while I ordered a beef lasagna.
The best lasagna I have ever tasted. Unlike any other lasagna in the world.
I mean, c'mon, whoever thought to insert chopped spinach in between the layers of cheese is a GENIUS. The bloody thing tasted SO good. SO good.
Heehee, Snuffpeet also ordered an apple-crumble to share, so, understandably, we left there a little wider in girth.
After lunch, we took the train downtown, and walked a bit across Raffles Hotel to a small mall where Snuffpeet bought me my new bible. I have to admit, it took even me by surprise that I'd have wanted a bible for my birthday this year; I'm turning twenty one, but... eh, significant number, significant gift. I love my bible.
After browsing around the shop for a bit, we decidedly took the cab to East Coast Park's McDonald's, where I discovered the double-standards of McDonald's Singapore and McDonald's Malaysia.
Observe, if you will.
In Singapore, they have McCafe. In Malaysia, we have... road-side kopi-o.
In Singapore, in McCafe, they make little kitties and tropical trees in your coffee. In Malaysia, you'd be lucky if you don't find a bug in your coffee.
Yes. I just raged about how unfair it is that Singapore's McDonald's is so much more awesome than Malaysia's. THIS is how you know I'm from Penang. XD
After we ate, we went into the park, where I cycled. Yes, very atheletic of me. It was fun, though, and I throughly enjoyed it. 8D
...my butt did ache something fierce afterwards, though. ._.
Uh. After East Coast Park, we took the bus home, showered, and then went off to Ang Mo Kio Hub to catch our movie. We had Mos Burgers for dinner, and I am now throughly in love with the concept of a bunch of unagi wrapped in buns of ACTUAL RICE GRAINS.
Yes. Very interesting. We saw Harry Potter again. 8D
...and then we went home and slept the night away. Whee.