One of my housemates is a transvestite. I can prove it.
Today, I found these: A pair of CK underpants hanging on the towel-rack of my bathroom. There are but two explainations for this.
1) That one of my housemates is, in fact, a tranny in disguise, and in full possession of a pair of balls.
2) That one of my housemates is having her boyfriend sleep over and wash his undies in my bathroom.
Either one's disturbing. I can't WAIT until I move next month; seriously, these people are getting on the end of my nerves, and I almost want to PIN these undies on the notice board with "Found in bathroom, claim for ownership" on top of them.
WTF is wrong with these people, SERIOUSLY. I actually LIVE here, and *I* don't leave my undies lying around. Guh. Sick bastards.
In other news, I've discovered the art of henna-tattoo-ing my hand. See how pretty! 8D
I like how I've managed to do that so well. XD It's like, RM 1 for a tube of henna, and it costs RM 5 to do it professionally. Why would I bother, when I can do it myself? 8D
Ahem. One last thing before I end this post:
I love you.
It's my turn to be creative, apparently. Enjoy it while it lasts. =P