I'm not an unreasonable person. I work hard at what I'm meant to be working at. I get good grades. I don't go out all the time, I'm not a party girl, and I am polite to people who are polite to me. I clean my room all the time, and I do more than my share of chores in the house I share with four other girls. I am the only person to clean the common bathroom; the only person to throw the trash out when it gets too much.
I am the only person who has any right at all to complain about my housemates.
So. I moved into my current residence in the month of August last year, when I had just moved into KL to further my studies at HELP University College. My housemate (s), as of then, were Niko and two sisters who lived in the master bedroom together.
Alright. That's the outline of the hellhole I'm currently living in. Before, Ah Ler hadn't moved in yet; Reen had occupied her room. And GOD, wasn't life good when Reen was around.
To fully comprehend my hatred for my housemates (Mostly just Niko and Ah Ler), one would need to comprehend the fact that once, LONG ago, Niko was NOT the bitch she is today.
We used to be on cordial terms. There was once I cooked a tom-yam dinner for her and her ex, and we actually sat around and ate together. All this cordiality went to hell when Niko started becoming calculative about just about everything.
My rent used to be RM 260, minus utilities. Then, she decided to charge a flat rate for utilities, and subsequently raised my rent to RM 330 a month, where I haggled to lower it to RM 320; who the heck pays an extra RM 90 a month for just utilities in a house shared by four other people? I might as well be paying for everyone else.
When I asked her why I was paying RM 90 for utilities, her response was, "Because you're home more."
...okay, what the sod is that? Just what the sod is that?
She also made us pay for part of the modem and the water heater. When I asked, "What happens when we move out?"
She went, "Well, consider what you paid for the modem and the heater the 'rental price' for using them."
The mix of those two events should've been warning bell number 1. However, I persisted. Even after Reen moved out, I continued to stay, hopeful that she would leave me alone. However, things started to get worse when her boyfriend (we call him the Chief, because he apparently has no name) started staying over every-single-friggin-day.
The Chief is an interesting specimen of a man. He hogs the bathroom every morning, and takes ten minutes to brush his molars to spick-spot-shiny perfection. His dentist must love him. And then, after hogging the bathroom he didn't pay rent to use, he sits outside and squeezes his zits into the mirror. After that, he blow-dries his hair.
Yes. The Chief, ladies and gentlemen, has a beauty ritual. What a pretty, pretty boy.
Next up: Niko's mother moves into the house, and stays for several long, long, LONG days. Without paying rent, also.
And Niko, being the perfect daughter that she is, sleeps in her room with the Chief, while her mother is left to sleep outside on the couch.
I know, right? Such a loving, thoughtful daughter, cow-face is.
So, one fine day, I set my alarm for 5:30 AM, because I had an early class to get to. When it rings, I'm slow to shut it off; but only by five minutes. And because poor old Niko's mother is sleeping OUTSIDE, she decides to jump and protest at me, because apparently, I have no right whatsoever to set an alarm in my own room which I'd paid for.
So she hammers at my door, at 5:35 AM, to show her obvious displeasure of me.
Yes, she, who is basically freeloading.
Anyone want to knock me on the head for staying in this hellhole so long? Wait up; there's more.
So, Ah Ler. Since moving in last December, she has not once cleaned the common bathroom.
...the common bathroom that is swimming in wads of her hair.
She leaves her hair all around the house, because for some reason, she can't blow-dry/comb/straighten her hair in her own room; she does it in the living room. So when you walk around, you may just find yourself with a foot-ful of HAIR.
And yes, she's older than I am.
Not only has she not cleaned the bathroom, I am almost dead certain that it's been her leaving the living room lights on at night, and then letting me take the fall for it when cow-face throws a tantrum. I have my reasons for this: She's the only one who sits in the living room for extended periods of time on her laptop.
...so, really, if it's not her, it's got to be the sisters, because it sure as hell is not me.
So cow-face likes to blame me for every single thing that goes wrong in the house. She blames me for the lights being left on, but my response to this is: "Why would I leave the lights on when I don't even SWITCH them on? I'm hardly in the living room at all, am I?"
She also blames me for whatever's left in the sink, and all the damn time, too. Even when it's Ah Ler's dustballs clogging it.
Let me illustrate an example. Last week, Ah Ler cleaned her room for the first time in probably months. Wads of dust balls were left in the sink.
I saw them, and point-blank just refused to clean them.
Niko drops me a line on MSN that night, and eventually gets to telling me that I'm calculative for leaving the sink like that, and not cleaning it up.
Yes, BITCH, I'm calculative for leaving dust balls in the sink. YOU, however, leave little notes around to tell people to clean the sink, and are obviously not bothered to clean it up either.
Call yourself calculative before you round on others.
Oh, yes. She brings up the time where I'd washed a bowl that had contained curry, and the sink had gotten clogged. If I were a lesser woman, I would've brought up the fact that the sink was ALREADY clogged from FLOWERS that SHE had left in the sink.
Speaking of flowers, cow-face also likes to hang her bouquets upside down in the living room, thus allowing loose petals and whatnot to fall onto the floor.
Guess who cleans that up.
Also, the people in my house are under the impression that I'm some kind of maid. They eat sweet, sugary things and dispose of them in the trashbin, and expect me; ME to clean it up.
And I do. I guess I really am a bit of a pushover.
But she's pushed me too far. So here it is. I am moving out, and I will be doing so as soon as I can. If she so much as dares to try to evict me before June, I will lay the mental smackdown on her teeny tiny brain, and she's not going to enjoy it.
I am a reasonable person; but not when you push me too far.
And now I'm just angry every single day, and with finals just around the corner, too. How wonderful, right? Thanks, cow-face. Thanks a whole lot.