Mar 28, 2009 16:54
I'm new to this whole KL storms thing. To be honest, I haven't been through a more wet, and more thunder-filled length of days as I have been through this week. I don't pretend to be a child, who's terrified of thunder and lightning, and wants to hide under the bed at the sight and sound of it. However, I can't pretend I'm that much of an adult who's not bothered by it either. Ugh.
So a bunch of bad things have happened to me this past week. My uncle had a growth under his ear, and when it was extricated, it was found to be cancerous. Please pray for him.
Also, I've somehow managed to stub all five of my toes, resulting in a cut on one of my toes, which -still- stings when I flex my toes. Yes, Phyl, I know; nerves are at work. >.<
PLUS, through the incompetence of my Malaysian Studies group members, we might not be able to have our event at all, which would mean that my pretty pretty flyer was all for nothing.
Oh, and, because I got caught in the rain yesterday, I had a fever last night, which spanned out until the earlier hours of this morning. I was a little warm until the afternoon, too, so I just went to sleep. UGH.
Is there an end to this crazy madness that has been my life this March? If there is, I pray it comes soon. If there isn't, you may just find me half-eaten by Alsations a couple of weeks from now.
That is all. You may point and laugh, because even *I* think this bloody post is bloody emo. Grrr.