Movie Review: Confessions of a Shopaholic

Mar 18, 2009 17:52

Okay. First impressions.


Ratings: <3<3<3<3

I can't say I went in expecting the movie to be awesome. I thought I'd enjoy it as a chick-flick, no strings attached, and come out amused, but not overly amazed.

Boy was I ever wrong. I have not enjoyed a book-to-movie-adaptation chick flick as much as I've enjoyed this since Bridget Jones's Diary came out. This movie was just made of epic brilliant!

I must say, being a slightly materialistic girl with a whimsical fashion sense, that I totally, completely enjoyed immersing myself in the beautiful glitter of Rebecca's clothes. Who doesn't dream of owning those beautiful things?

...and Luke is made of absolute yummy, too. If I could dangle him at the length of my hand, I'd never carry a handbag ever again. I mean, why carry Gucci when you can have something so much better?

I was actually pretty surprised to find Luke this awesome, to be honest. Pinkbag mentioned that he was ugly, and that she was disappointed when she found out they'd chosen this actor to play him, and I just went along with it, since I've never read the books.

But DAMN, he is one HOT PIECE OF MAN. Dare anyone refute this? Hrm?

I didn't think so.

Moving on. I have to say, the casting of Isla Fischer to play Rebecca was absolute brilliance. I've always had a thing for red-heads, but she is -really- gorgeous. Her hair's just so long and curly, and RED. Argh, I wish I could just shave it all off and stick it on me instead!

I also really love how she manages to carry off the clothes so well. They really -do- become her, at the end of the day. I almost cried with envy when I looked these photos up; I wish I had that kind of money to spend on pretty things.

Alright. Enough with the photo dump. Seriously, now.

I really like how this movie stayed true to a -storyline-, as opposed to being over an hour's worth of just Isla Fischer prancing around in pretty clothes (I had feared it would be a mindless, fashion-show-like-movie, actually). She prances, yes, but there's an actual, entertaining storyline to go with it. I really like that. Plus, the colours of the movie are very vibrant and modern; very NYC, and very sunny. It gives off a similar vibe as Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette, which was shot using the same vibrant hues on set. It's all very rich and engaging, and I like that. The costumer did an AMAZING job; I am told by Andrea that it was the same person who did The Devil Wears Prada, and I'm not surprised. Genius.

And it's true that Rebecca's lifestyle is that of many girls out there. We all want shiny things, and most of the time, we really can't afford it. At the end of the day, while it is indeed VERY important to make sure we don't overdo it, it is also important to treat yourself once in a while.

I want some shoes. This is all your fault, Rebecca Bloomwood!

reviews, movies

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