Jul 15, 2007 06:43
So, I found out yesterday that Ayaele had created. This wouldnt've been such a surprise to me if I'd known before hand. But then again, I gave myself some time, and then sent her an OOC message to ask if she was the 'Silenus' Ayaele. (It's an uncommon name that I created myself, so...)
Turns out Regina/Isobel's player is playing her. I'm miffed. Nobody bothered to tell me that she was going to be playing my favourite daughter, in which case I would've put my foot down.
I dunno. It just seems that everything about Ayaele is wrong. Ayaele was blonde with blue eyes, and she was a right little beauty who'd steal into Immy's wardrobe to put on her dresses just for the heck of it. She was just a little vain, and was loved because she was so cute and pretty, and loving. In fact, she takes after her mother with a great love of her hair. But she is also a right little devil at times. She'd run and hide, but was in -no- way a tomboy who loved swords and such. Of course, she'd have a temper, but I always envisioned her as a cleric/enchanter.
The Ayaele that has been created has white hair. Not blonde. And golden eyes. Again, I am miffed. Also, Evan asked my daughter's player whether she'd taken into account Immy, and the answer was no. I accept that I haven't been on Immy a lot, but it was understood that whilst she was absent from Ghel'dale society, she was busy taking care of Ayaele and her twins, Kelvan and Estelle Sialwyn. I feel so betrayed, that no one even bothered to tell me. I had to find out for myself, and the shock wasn't the nicest one. No sirree.
~Emmy Cindy