I'm -so- NOT ready for school; New Years' Resolutions 2007

Jan 02, 2007 02:30

Oww. I’m aching all over! Thankfully, though, I’ve probably made an extra hundred ringgit for all this work. Go me, I rock. *waits for guitar to fall on head*

Anyhow, work tonight wasn’t half as bad as it was yesterday night. For one, the crowd wasn’t as large as it was last night. For another, I didn’t work this morning. And, for yet another, I had a good, fun day prior to my work-shift.


Its such a pretty place to work, actually. Its right beside the sea, and there are tons of plants and stuff. The sea-breeze cools you down, and the atmosphere is lovely. One of these days, I will go there as a customer. And I know precisely which seats I want.

About twelve AM, Pauline asked us whether we wanted supper. We nodded assent and she sent some of us to the kitchen to ask the chef to whip us up some food.

Tom Yam. It’s YUMMY. His tom yam is absolutely delicious. Of course, it -has- to be extraordinarily spicy, but whilst it’s spicy, it also retains just enough saltiness and sourness to be yummy. Yummy!

Ah well. I’m pretty happy now. I’ve had a wunnerful date today, a pretty good shift at work, and my feet aren’t killing me as badly as last night.

AND, I’m done with work for now. Pauline said she’d call me when there are functions, and when she needs extra hands. Otherwise, there is no need for me to play waitress. Lisa will only call me when she needs an extra masseuse. Otherwise, there is no need for me to play with massage oil.

Life is beautiful.

…Except for the fact that school starts Wednesday. *sobs* At any rate, at least I get to see my oji every day then.

Great, now I have a love-hate relationship with school. Wonderful.

Also, here are my New Years’ Resolutions. (Like I stuck to any of mine last year…XD)

- Try to help mom out around the house more.
- Try not to lose my temper that often around people who make silly remarks.
- Try to be civil towards those who insult me.
- Read the bible at least four times a week.
- Practice on my guitar.
- Bite my tongue whenever my potty mouth skips into action. (I’ll probably earn a ton of ulcers on my tongue)
- Save up.
- Eat right and go for more random runs.
- Study consistently. (UGH. This one requires MAXIMUM resolve)
- Attempt to finish/continue Eun’dussea before starting a new tale.
- Tell Chris that I love him every single day. (Yeah, like I need to RESOLVE to do that. XD)

- Cause severe damage to my wallet.
- Be annoyed with ‘kachings’ and teasings.
- Be a clingy, annoying, irritating, stick-up-bottom type girlfriend.
- Watch too much TV in the form of anime/drama series eg. House, Grey’s Anatomy…
- Drink more than four cups of coffee a week. (Oh boy)
- Swear like a sailor. (Potty mouth me… I should start a swear fund again)
- Procrastinate when it comes to homework.
- Forget any important dates.
- Drive as a drunken donkey would on the roads.
- Lie
- MUD to an extent of twenty hours a day.
- Neglect Corrine and Imogen, regardless of above resolution.
- Even think of going to second base.
- Bore Chris to death by repeating sentiments such as “I love you” a gazillion times.

G’night, sweethearts! Happy 2007, and know that I love you all!

~Emmy Cindy

work, resolutions

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