Bandwagon jumpage!
I threw in a bit of an assignment I wrote for my Creative Writing module in my second year of university. It got me the highest mark I achieved for the whole of my degree and prompted my teacher to go a bit doo-lally, comparing me to Jane Rogers (who I met later that year - she's lovely. Do read Island). This comparison is equally ego-boosting.
I write like
Chuck PalahniukI Write Like by Mémoires,
Mac journal software.
Analyze your writing! I wrote my MPhil thesis on this guy and Bret Easton Ellis, analysing 'minimalist' fiction and quasi-religious representations of consumerism. Chuck slightly has the edge over Bret as far as I'm concerned thanks to his incredible twist endings (I'd recommend Invisible Monsters to anyone who liked Fight Club) and he just happens to be in my top five authors. I am a bit too chuffed with that result, whether it's accurate or randomised or not, just to see his name on the screen is enough.