Stolen from Brit. (hug)

Feb 13, 2006 23:37

A - Available: No, taken by Mikie.
A - Age: 22 years old
A - Annoyance: People who forget that there are people who really care about them.

B - Best Friends: Mikie, Chrissy, Jo Jo, lil Mini Talz, B-Bri....and everyone else I love.
B - Bar: Front Row in the house!
B - Birthday: August 27th 1983...hehe.

C - Crush: Mikie poo.
C - Car: Dream Car= VW Bug lime green. pontiac azteck.
C - Cat: RIP my little Snuggles (hug)

D - Dead Pets Name: Snuggles, Little Stripes, Elvis, Pricilla, Rufus, Aaron, and the rest of the tank gang.
D - Dad's Name: Patrick Joseph aka PJ
D - Dog: Future...Colonel Radishes.

E - Easiest person to talk to: Whoever will actually talk to me and have conversation with me.
E - Eggs: Any way I can get the incredible edible egg!
E - Email:

F - Favourite Colours: Black, Red, Yellow, Orange, Green...I like colors.
F - Food: LOVE Italian food...big pasta fan...noodles noodles noodles...yumm.
F - Foreign Slang: (technically foreign since I only learned it now that I teach in the Ghetto) OH SNAP! lol. I love it. I say it all the time now. Stupid slang those dang kids use.

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Can't they just have a huge gummy orgy in my mouth?
G - God: Sometimes I'm not sure, but most days I do.
G - Good Time: (Mikie) Baby Cow: OOM!...aww it's special.
(Chrissy) Cake...Kitchen...10 Minutes I'll be there.
(Kristal) Did you girls go down the highway for Ice Cream....Noooooooooo (both of us holding carvel cups) or! Magical Kitty Curtains.
(Johanna)"I'm an Otter!" "and what do you do" "I lay on my back and do stupid tricks with my hands"
(Brian) "VOGEL"
(Jen)"Ohh Owwwwwww Owie! This damn Critter is eating my leg to bits...Owie!"

H - Hair Color: Medium Brown with LOTS OF GREY! (waits while you check my age)...yes, gray at wanna fight about it?
H - Height: 5'6 and a half
H - Happy: Mostly

I - Ice Cream: I like the vanilla mixed with lots of Mc Flurries rock my world.
I - Instrument: GLOCKENSPEIL! hehe.
I - Idol: I'm going to have to say the kids I work with every day. They inspire me. I see them go through so much and struggle so hard.

J - Jewelery: I love Silver. love it.
J - Job: I teach Special Ed.
J - Joke: "Two guys walk into a bar...OW!"

L - Longest Car Ride: Going to Florida in the BUS from HELL! Then having to rent a car to drive our asses from one end of Florida to Another...(shudder). Greyhound Busses can burn in Hell.
L - Laughing: I tend to laugh when it's least appropriate.
L- last person you spoke to on the phone: My Momma....She scares me.

M - Milk Flavor: Is White the normal flavor...because that's my flavor.
M - Mother's Name: Patricia Ann.
M - Movie Last Watched: Currently: True Lies....Previously....DodgeBall...(hilarious)

N - Number of Siblings: 0
N - Northern or Southern: I'm a Yankee!
N - Name: Mary Ellen

O - ONE WISH: To lose 5 pounds a week till I was down to a slim 130 lbs and then to maintain that weight till I die at a very old age of 99.
O - One Phobia: Dying and missing out on all the things that happen in this world.
O - Otter Pop: (refer to Jo's good moment)

P - Parents: Wierd, but glad I have them.
P - Part of your appearance that you like best: Can I say none?...ok ok, probably my eyes. they are green.
P - Part of your Personality you like best: I try to like everyone till they give me a reason not too.

Q - Quote: "They all thought that I would never be shit? Well look at me now, look at me now?" ~Adema
Q - Question for the next person: Why are you doing this?
Q - Quick or Slow?: Well...if you mean...nevermind...either way it's all good.

R - Reason to smile: I wake up.
R - Reality TV Show: Dancing with the Stars...what can I say...Drew Lachey stole my heart.
R - Right or Left: Right is my hand preference.

S - Song Last Heard: The opening theme to QAF...yum.
S - Season: Summer...I teach so it's when my break is...AND its when my birthday is.
S - Sex/gender: I am all woman.

T - Time you woke up: Ummmmm 9, because I didn't go to work today. I was ill.
T - Time Now: 12:05 AM
T - Time for bed: Whenever I pass out.

U - Unknown Fact about me: I fear being alone.
U - Unicorns: Prettyful.
U - U: Sometimes I like me, sometimes no.

V - Vegetable you hate: Brussel Sprouts...instruments of torture.
V- Vegetable you love: Spiniach...damn you PopEye.
V - View on Politics: Democrat...Bush will never be on my good side.

W- Worst Habits: I eat my feelings...which is why I am a fatty.
W- What do you wanna be when you grow up: Well I already teach, so that's taken care of...I guess successful and healthy.
W- Where are you traveling to next: Wherever the wind takes me.

X - X-Rays: I've had so many...I glow like Spiderman.
X - X-Rated Porn: Seen a few...nothing to write home about.
X - XZIBIT: B? as in evidence? I'm not guilty your honor.

Y - Year you were born: 1983
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: Roses...(sigh)

Z - Zoo Animal: I like all animals. Cuteness.
Z - Zodiac: Virgo.
Z - ZZZZZ: Makes me think of bad my body will not let me.

Stolen from Brittnay....(hug). HAPPY VALENTINES EVERYONE! (hug)
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