Jul 24, 2010 04:10
- 05:38:10: Time to head out for my long day at soccer camp. I don't get out until 8:30. Oh fun.
- 10:54:30: RT @ExpressLisaG: RT 4 Chance 2 Win: All #EXPRESS Jeans 30% Off in-store/online now-7/25! http://bit.ly/SHOPEXP RULES http://bit.ly/RTRules
- 12:00:43: Tired. 6.5 hours left but I'm hoping to get out early due to the rain
- 12:53:15: Standing out in the rain sucks
- 16:30:54: Going to the Shenkman football training building soon! Awesome :) so happy to be out of the rain yet I'm still chilly
- 20:15:25: Only 1 more day of soccer camp, and then I have time off to hang out with people and be social again. And rested.
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