Oct 06, 2010 22:06
Yeah, so remember that beautiful list I made earlier? The one that made me feel better about all the crap I need to accomplish...out the window. Got out of work late tonight only to find that that I left my car lights on the whole 4 hours I'd been there. However, my car is a good car and it started. Sweet. And I still felt good, so I went to the gym for a run...only to find that I didn't pack pants. And I was not about to run in Cords, so I went home. Caught up with the sweetie and my cat (who is now stretched out ridiculously beside me, snoring). So now I need to regroup, decide what needs to be tackled tonight and how early I need to get started tomorrow.
Plan OWL session for the week
Prep OWL materials for the week
Dishes (I'm negotiating my way out of this one...I hate dishes, but if I agree to do the 10 million other small things we can both be happy and it
will probably take me less time)
LaundryWork 5:30-8:30 (Wed)
Discussion board postings for class
Snacks for OWL
Tea-break stuff for class
Work 12-4:30 (Thurs)
post office
run (desperately, desperately needed for my sanity)--bumped to Thursday due to aforementioned lack of pants *facepalm*
go through insurance options for work
read for class
Sparrow time :) (also very important to my sanity)
food shopping for home (so I can eat something other than peanut butter on saltines)
Guess it's time for some tea, some Facebook, some OWL planning and some school work. Still, I won't complain because I like to be busy, I function better when I have too much to do, and my life is pretty awesome, so I really can't complain.
to dos,
the vermont years