Mar 27, 2004 02:09

Tim’s post stirred something in me, whenever I see a man speak so highly of his own flesh and blood, see the way he is willing to make a depiction of himself so sincere and heartfelt and share something so special with all those he calls friends, I am reminded of my sweet little girl and of how happy she makes me. I’m counting the hours I’ve been without her, and those I still have to endure.

But I was born under a lucky star, and I’ve been endowed with a fantastic group of friends that are willing to stand by me even when I’m being a whinny mother who misses her child. Tomorrow I shall be joining Timothy and Jack Roth, Alan and Helena in their quest to entertain their lovely guest, Martha. Knowing that blokes are incapable of being agreeable companions to shopping, Helena and I will provide a more suiting escort for her. Meanwhile the boys can play. Har.

I can’t wait to get back to work, as much as I enjoy running amok in London with the group of nutters that I call my friends, I like feeling productive, I like to work and do something remotely useful, even if it is between fits of laughter provided by my co-stars. Also, working with Colin Firth is always a great pleasure, as is working with Gary Oldman and Alan Rickman.

I honestly have nothing interesting to say, I’m in a very good mood right now and as I’ve been going through some scripts and taking long walks through London in silent contemplation, I’m exhausted. This allows me to say goodnight and go to bed knowing that I will sleep superbly and be renewed by tomorrow, when I shall be the more agreeable and gracious version of myself to greet Martha and her kids and annoy the living hell out of Mr. Roth and Mr. Rickman.

I shall also be joining Mr. Oldman for lunch, I’m not sure when, I know it’s this weekend. Perhaps I should call Gary and remind him that I’m an utter ditz and need him to remind me. You know you need to get a planner when you depend on Gary Oldman to remember important dates.
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