Fandom Friday #7: Thank Goodness For Fandoms

Nov 23, 2015 22:49

Fandom Thankfulness
#1. Fandom supernatural

Brief explanation on why you are thankful for this fandom. I am thankful for this fandom its been though so much I have met some of the nicest and the sweetest people and it has gotten me though such hard times it brings me happiness and something to look forward too when I feel like I have nothing to live for I love my spn family

#2. Fandom glee

Brief explanation on why you are thankful for this fandom. this is what got me though high school it had been hard but it made me smile its great and helped me accept myself and let me know its okay to be different

#3. Fandom Buffy the vampire slayer /angel

Brief explanation on why you are thankful for this fandom. it has really helped me come out of my shell and be a better writer

-Optional Bonus-
Graphics go here.

spn, icons, btvs, glee, supernatural

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