Title: Like A Virgin Author: emmaschuester Pairing/Characters: Jayma Mays/Matthew Morrison Rating: R Disclaimer: Harmless fun, no offence intended. Pure work of fiction. Spoilers: None. Summary/Author's Notes: One chapter to go...
OMG I don't think I've been so excited to see a email in my life. My heart actually skipped abeat seeing you'd updated. What can I say this was just pure love, The bit about Matt wearing a dress I actually laughed out loud at :) Can't believe this is nearly over, it's been my favourite Fic forever. I can't wait for the wedding! Reading this was like reliving the incredible summer I've had being I got to see Matt perform in both London & New York. I've also spent my summer traveling. I don't want this to end *sob*.
You're Sierra-Jae?? I love your writing style so much!! I can hardly ever postpone reading your stories when I get the alert you've updated. <3
And you know, this story is my guilty pleasure too. I've never indulged in rpf (or fic writing, for that matter) before. Happy you like it! Coming from you it's a huge compliment. :)
beautifully written, and so incredibly cute, as usual! can't believe there's only one chapter left, I'm really gonna miss this!!! looking forward to the big Last Chapter!!
Comments 10
Reading this was like reliving the incredible summer I've had being I got to see Matt perform in both London & New York. I've also spent my summer traveling. I don't want this to end *sob*.
Anyway, thank you for your nice words!!
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And you know, this story is my guilty pleasure too. I've never indulged in rpf (or fic writing, for that matter) before. Happy you like it! Coming from you it's a huge compliment. :)
can't believe there's only one chapter left, I'm really gonna miss this!!! looking forward to the big Last Chapter!!
This story will be over soon but it might not be the last we see of these characters. ;)
Ohhh, is something going to happen during Matty's run? The idea is both intriguing and "noooo!". (Couldn't think of the adjective, sorry.)
Really looking forward to the next (and last, sigh) chapter. It's been a great ride.
Thank you!
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