Next year, by gum, we're getting out earlier. Next year, by gum, we're getting up earlier. Next year, by gum, we're printing out and marking up a map in advance. Next year we're printing out the
"Yard Sale Bingo Cards," too. Some people had some pretty inflated ideas of the worth of their junk this year, but--happily--others were quite willing to sell their grandfather's old belongings dirt cheap, even mocking items like packages of ancient paper cups, still in their original packaging. Alas, no one was as quotable as last year's "you can't make a buck on a dollar" woman.
This year's haul, including a few free items.
It was just last week that we were at the Fill, with me regretting our lack of emergency rain gear. A dollar later and we're prepared for the next outing! (This unbreathable poncho has been off-gassing on the line for the last 36 hours; we're hoping that by Saturday it will no longer smell like a new shower curtain.)
And last night we were going to a housewarming. No gift? Not with West Seattle Yard Sale Day to come to the rescue! Handmade-in-Seattle ceramic bunny napkin rings and a pair of cloth napkins just waiting to be boxed and delivered.
After yesterday's excitements, we needed some recovery time today. Mountain Lodge chevre, Tall Grass baguette, apples from "the apple guy," and various items purchased at the grocery store, a pot of tea, and a bottle of water in our lovely back yard.