I've declared this to be the finest photo I took in 2012 and I took it less than six hours ago. I had the camera out because there had been a hawk up the way earlier which we'd pursued some blocks west before giving up. We started thinking it was an immature bald eagle, but we've opted to think it a red-tailed hawk instead. Should any aspiring master birders out there care to confirm or correct our guess, here's a photo:
It was damned big and has a short reddish tail.
Meanwhile, I'm posting on New Year's Eve. Perhaps that's sad; I can't decide. After considering this, that, and the other I decided that a
four-pack of Humphrey Bogart noir dvds at
Easy Street today was a sign so we're staying in to drink, eat homemade pizza, and watch old movies. We'll likely go out to the pedestrian overpass to admire the fireworks in the distance at midnight. Unless it's as a foggy as last night.
Today we expected the furnace repairman but he didn't show up (shakes fist at
Washington Energy Services). The furnace still works but the motor is making way more noise than it should.
We also saw a few birds today (and yesterday).
Steller's jays
northern flickers
Anna's hummingbirds
house finches
house sparrows
American robins
American goldfinches
pine siskins
dark-eyed juncos
black-capped chickadees
Bewick's wren
American crows
red-tailed hawk (until corrected)
song sparrow
golden-crowned sparrows
I've not read at all since finishing Sweet Tooth.
Instead, I spent an hour or so playing with my new small set of acrylic paints, complete with set of tiny paint brushes. Sadly, I utterly messed up my initial painting. Happily, I took a snap early on:
Learn when to stop is possibly the lesson here. Poor Gradka ended up looking like a mad dog.
Happy New Year, Crazy Old LJ.