Today we went to see the
Wooden O/Seattle Shakespeare Company performance of The Winter's Tale (which I've just realized I've repeatedly referred to as "Twelfth Night" for somet reason) at Volunteer Park. Despite a brief (and thankfully very light) rain shower, it was quite the fine summertime experience. It's a play Eli read just last month so he was able to provide background, on the way to the park, for the first scenes which we seemed destined to miss. We arrived *close* to on time but it's lucky he'd been able to tell me the set-up or I'd have spent most of the first act being a little confused. It was well performed with Autolycus (I think) and the shepherd's son being particularly droll. Most of the performances, unfortunately, are at Luther Burbank Park on the east side but if the Imaginary Reader has a chance to attend a show, s/he should take it. (I asked a volunteer why so many of the events are at Luther Burbank, thinking they must get better donations/audiences there but she said it was that that is where they started. Why are they the Seattle Shakespeare Company then?)
dark-eyed juncos
black-capped chickadess
house sparrows
house finches
white-crowned sparrow
Canada geese
Caspian terns
Bewick's wren
northern flicker
The Pagani Project page 218. I have *got* to finish this; we stopped at Elliott Bay Bookstore this afternoon where naturally I purchased books and I have birthday books coming.