I started coughing on Friday night and I woke Saturday a bit less than tickity boo but we'd decided we'd go to the Fill since we hadn't been in ages and I figured I might as well get out one last time before the pleurisy/typhoid/cholera killed me entirely. I don't think it was an entirely bad plan and I'm doubtful that the light rain that fell on us made me any more sick but I've been pretty useless since we got home Saturday night and I'm thinking I'll spend tomorrow asleep. First, however, I have to post some photos and list some birds.
While there are undoubtedly dozens of birds in this picture, I didn't see any of them but I liked the colors and shapes.
Here, of course, it is the colors and shapes of preening ducklings that called for a photo.
This female mallard had nothing to do with the previous photo. She was enjoying a meal of clover (but not the clover flowers) on the other side of the stream.
A somewhat Photoshopped singing Savannah sparrow
This juvenile tree swallow insisted upon having his photo taken as we were leaving.
No photos were taken of the rat that Eli saw running across the grounds near the CUH or of the two snakes that startled us along the access road.
Birds both days, mix of home and Fill and in between:
American robins
American goldfinches
American crows
Canada geese
wood ducks
pied-billed grebe
Anna's hummingbirds
house finches
house sparrows
song sparrows
savannah sparrows
red-winged blackbirds
barn swallows
tree swallows
cedar waxwing
great blue herons
dark-eyed junco
bald eagle
northern flickers
black-capped chickadees
common yellowthroat (female)
bufflehead (female)
Steller's jay
Well of Lost Plots - finished and back on the shelf
Blood, Bones & Butter by Gabrielle Hamilton page 16. This book was loaned to me by a coworker months ago and I figure I've got to read it now. In truth, I'm sure it will be quite interesting but I'm always a little thrown off by books that someone else thinks I will enjoy. Still, it gets me out of my rut.