Today the power went out at work and we got to leave early: Wheee! (There's something about that construction that reminds me of Jayne reading Simon's diary on
Firefly: "Dear Diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hillfolk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever." Which is fair warning for the state of my mind: I'm a bit sleepy.)
American goldfinches
song sparrows
pine siskens
dark-eyed juncos
house finches
house sparrows
yellow-rumped warbler
Canada geese
Barrow's goldeneyes
Anna's hummingbird
The birds, clearly, have not yet entirely deserted the yard. They show up and look for food where the feeders used to be and, yes, also peck at the seed I've not yet cleared up entirely. I've not seen Mr. Poxy Finch in a few days. I'm not sure what that signifies and, very likely, I don't want to know what it signifies. The apricot is starting to blossom and something is biting the flowers off the crocuses. The latter makes me unhappy.
Our Mutual Friend page 372. Oh! The not entirely unexpected disclosures of Book II, Chapter XIII! Honestly, I don't know how Mr. Dickens is going to fill the next 425 pages.
Also it seems that Washington state's legalization of gay marriages will mean that "civil unions" retroactively become marriages. I'm not sure how that affects actual rights and obligations but it seems like a good thing for those who have wanted married status. And I don't think that there's anything to prevent anyone from having an elaborate renewal of vows.