Birds and book, day 65 of 2012

Mar 05, 2012 22:21

There are those who might think that the 2012 edition of Birds and Book is now old enough to retire but that would be ignoring the lack of retirement options many of us seem to have these days. It's one of those things I wonder about: how many people in my age range actually believe that they'll actually retire some day. Certainly my brothers all seem to expect it (and one of them actually *is* retired) but in my own immediate circle it seems less a given. Possibly I need to find a more affluent circle.

Today was another day of exhaustion and wanting to cry by the time I finally got out of work. Something, clearly, must change. I suspect that the only things I control are my attitude and sleep patterns so I'm going to toss up a list of birds here and get some sleep.

American goldfinches
house finches
house sparrows
golden-crowned sparrow
northern flickers
dark-eyed juncos
yellow-rumped warbler
Barrow's goldeneyes
Canada goose

Our Mutual Friend a few pages further than yesterday

reading, work, birds, moods, book

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