Birds and book, day 19 of 2012

Jan 19, 2012 15:04

house finches
house sparrows
golden-crowned sparrow
song sparrows
dark-eyed juncos
black-capped chickadees
chestnut-backed chickadees
brown creeper
golden-crowned kinglets
ruby-crowned kinglets
yellow-rumped warblers
pine siskins
varied thrushes
Bewick's wren
Townsend's warbler
Anna's hummingbird
Steller's jay
mallard ducks

Shades of Grey page 275

Today was frozen rain, which hurts, rather, when it hits one in the eye, that later changed not to regular old rain as predicted but rather to more snow. It's unclear what tomorrow may hold. We went for a walk to TMB to pick up pages of the book that is currently the bane of my existence. It wasn't the nicest weather but we did get to see the kinglets, thrushers, waterbirds, and brown creeper that would otherwise not be on the list. The brown creeper's back was practically a shiny tortoiseshell; it was quite lovely.

Given the conditions, and the likelihood of falling in transit, there are no photos of the birds though I did take some snaps of various encased-in-ice flora in the backyard. The Imaginary Reader will have to be patient, however, as the photos have not yet been transferred to Myrna.

books, reading, birds

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