It's late and I should be in bed but I wish to emulate
alexfandra and post a garden photo (plus inevitably, a few birds). This evening turned out rather different than anticipated because a couple of brothers are better about actually acting on Fathers Day than I am which means said brothers, one girlfriend, and my father ended up here for dinner which was cooked by David but cleaned up by me (and Eli). Which took quite some time and the kitchen still feels less than sparkly clean. But it was a fun time and I not only unloaded three heads of red leaf lettuce but I also feel less guilty than I otherwise would. Yay!
Now to the photos:
Ms. Fandra posted photos of her foxglove forest; we seem to be less monoculture in West Seattle though soon the California poppies will be seriously dominating.
We're also getting what seem to be getting chickadee families coming through. I think this was one of the young ones.
And the always delightful American goldfinch. Why do they always remind me of Gerard Schwarz, though?