Mar 26, 2007 21:00
I'm house sitting at the Breiner's for a few days. I LOVE it. It's nice to have a house to myself. Plus I got to go grocery shopping, which i love.
Today and yesterday have been GORGEOUS. I love it!!
These past two days have been so relaxing. Watching The Holiday (I loved that movie, even though its a chick flick) with Katlyn and Chrissy after indulging in a chocolate fountain was the perfect ending to the weekend/start of the week.
The semester is almost over!!! One month left, then summer vacations!! (and classes)
I went to owens today to meet with a health advisor. I am so excited to start there. Yes i know, I've been switching schools alot. But really BG's the only school that I have gone to that i planned on staying at. Anyway I feel really good about owens, a feeling of relaxed excitement (?) that i didnt feel at BG. I wouldnt have changed anything about my past school/no-school choices because i wouldnt be where i am today, and studying what i am today.
I know i will be complaining about school soon enough once i start at owens again, but for now I feel really good about it.
I HATE BG!!! I cant wait to leave this place!!!!