
Feb 07, 2006 19:18

so, some more on my uncle.

but first

I have this uncle, Howard, (my dads sisters husband) and he is bipolar, among other things. His dad abandoned him and his mother was a witch and sacraficed things and he remembers her burning a baby once. Well, he needless to say had a very hard life and had a ton of problems, and still has some, but he is one of my two favorite uncles. He is a christian and is extremely passionate about God and what he has done for him. He is a very simple guy, he isnt what alot of christians woudl consider 'knowlegeable', which actually, i like, but i dont konw how to explain it without it sounding bad. he reaches out to those who alot of people look over. He has a truck stop ministry where he goes out on sunday mornings and has a bible study and stuff at different stops, and even ministers to prostitutes, although he is careful about it. That is one of, if not the thing i admire most about him. he has such a compassionate heart for people, he was a trucker and he knows what its like and he reaches out to them. well, anyway. When i heard my uncle pat was back, my uncle howard was the first person i thought of. They are both very similar, they ahve both had major struggles in their past, and they are just alot alike, and i really really really wanted them to meet. There are alot of ministries reaching out to families and teens or young adults with very active minds, but there isnt so much emphasis on people who dont really understand alot about christianity, who dont catch on as easily, and whos past has affected their minds and bodies. there are alot of ministries that reach out to them in the early stages, but i was worried about his growth and not getting stuck in one spot. maybe that doestn make sense, and i konw there are ministries out there that do that, but you dont hear alot about them, or at least i dont. Well, i wanted them to meet, and it turns out that my uncle howard foudn out about my uncle pat and asked my mom for his number. well today, i found out that my uncle howard lead my uncle pat to the lord today. and im really happy and grateful and a bunch of other things. and im thankful that God answered not just my prayers, but so many years of prayers of so many people who have prayed for this situation. and im thankful for those that prayed.
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